

【英文歌曲翻譯】Tsukumo Sana - Astrogirl

二足步行傘トカゲ | 2022-07-13 13:42:34 | 巴幣 2334 | 人氣 427


Tsukumo Sana - Astrogirl
九十九佐命 - 宇宙女孩

★Composition/Arrangement: Ujico*/Snail's House
★Lyrics: WUNDER RiKU
★Vocals: Tsukumo Sana


Starlight, you shine, illuminate the sky
The endless void reminds me of aeons gone by
An astrogirl watching the galaxies rise and fall
Wondering the meaning of it all
Till like a comet, you came into my orbit, I know
    無盡的虛空提醒著我萬古時光流逝  (註1)
    直到你如彗星般,闖入我的軌道,我才知道  (註2)
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
When our hearts grow bigger than the sun
There's no challenge we can't overcome
So send them over and watch our supernova explode
    只要我們團結一心成長 連太陽也置於陰影下  (註3)
    所以叫那些障礙滾蛋 看著我們超新星爆出全新火花  (註4)
I'm not alone, now you are here
Thе constellations are so clear
Your gravity is pulling mе
Oh until our hearts collide
My Sanallite, through darkest nights
Got the cosmos at our feet, oh but you are all I need
Though we've just begun I know we'll make it 'cause somehow
The universe is fun now
    星座們高掛夜空清晰可見  (註5)
    Oh 令我倆的心相撞相擁
    我的Sanallite阿,穿過一幕幕幽暗深夜  (註6)
    征服宇宙使我們有立足之地,oh 不過我只要有你們就夠了
    雖然我們才剛開始 不過我有信心我們辦得到
I'm not alone
Sunrise and night can be so intertwined
The event horizon line between darkness and light
An astrogirl watching history come and go
Pondering the punchline of the joke
Till like a comet, you came into my orbit, I know
    事件視界橫跨其中區分出光明黑暗  (註7)
    琢磨著包袱的笑點  (註8)
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
When our hearts grow bigger than the sun
There's no challenge we can't overcome
So send them over and watch our supernova explode
    只要我們團結一心成長 連太陽也置於陰影下
    所以叫那些障礙滾蛋 看著我們超新星爆出全新火花
I'm not alone, now you are here
The constellations are so clear
Infinity sounds good to me
As long as you are by my side
The Milky Way's not far away
When love travels faster than the speed of light
Let's go, I know we'll make it 'cause somehow
The universe is fun now
    就算永生也可以  (註9)
    只需讓愛的傳遞速度超越光速  (註10)
I'm not alone






(註1) aeon : 億萬年,萬古。

(註2) orbit : 軌道。

(註3) heart grow : 字面上是心長大,但實際上是指感情變好。
可能來自諺語: absence makes the heart grow fonder,字面意思為'分開讓心變得更相愛',中文譯為"小別勝新婚"。

(註4) supernova explode : 超新星爆炸,大質量的恆星燃料耗盡時因重力塌陷而導致的大爆炸,爆炸後恆星本身可能形成黑洞或中子星,然其爆風卻可能推動新的恆星甚至新的星系誕生。

(註5) constellation : 星座,星群。群英薈萃。

(註6) Sanallite : Sana的粉絲名,形象為一條吐司狗。本字改編自"Satellite(衛星)"。

(註7) event horizon : 事件視界,又稱事件界線。簡單講就是黑洞的邊邊。
由於黑洞的引力太強,連光也會被吸進去,因此黑洞是沒辦法被看到的,而在遠離黑洞中心的地方因為引力已經減弱到光線勉強不會被吸走的地步,因此這圈界線之外因為有光所以可以觀測,而這圈界線之內只有一片黑,這一圈界線就稱為"event horizon(事件視界)"。

(註8) punchline : 笑點、梗、包袱。作品中最關鍵的段落。

(註9) sounds good to me : 回應用的口語,意思為 我OK,我可以。

(註10) travels : 旅行。(光、聲音等)傳遞。


此翻譯為紀念我們的BEEEEG Sana離開地球前去履行空間代言者的正務。


