I hear them screaming down in the hallway 我在走廊聽見他們的吵架聲 Mommy why are you shouting that loud? 媽咪為什麼你要那麼生氣? Grew up thinking that this is what love is 長大後才發覺這就是所謂的愛 When the place that you hate you call home 當曾經厭惡的地方稱之為家鄉 Blanket forts and pillow fights 毯子堡壘和枕頭大戰 Monsters creeping up at night 怪物偷偷在夜晚現身 You may call them friends 你依然把他們當成朋友 Air guitar and bucket drums 空氣吉他和桶鼓 And all you wished was to belong 而你所希望的一切 只不過就屬於在 In a world you don't understand 一個你不熟悉的世界裡 If I had a time machine 但願我有臺時光機 I would be a friend to me 回到過去跟自己做朋友
Your life in boxes packed on the backseat 你的人生就像在後座準備好的箱子 Still in denial it ended so mean 仍然不想承認結局竟會是如此淒涼 Proved me right that this is what love is 向我證明你們所謂的愛 When everyone you care about leaves 當你在乎的人都離你而去 Withered roses, quiet nights 凋零的玫瑰,寧靜的夜晚 Your heart may break a million times 而你的心碎上了幾百萬次 Replaying these fights 不斷回想著這些爭吵 Love is a two-sided knife 愛就宛如一把雙面刀 No one makes it out alive 沒人能安然無恙地離開 Without tears of goodbye 沒有淚水的告別 If I had a time machine 但願我有臺時光機器 I'd questioned twice who's right for me 我會捫心自問誰才值得我被愛
Sadness like the ocean tide 悲傷就像大浪來襲 Every tear was worth to cry 每一滴淚水都值得哭泣 Mermaids never drown 美人魚永不沉溺 I don't need a time machine 我才不需要什麼時光機 Cause everything was meant to be 因為一切都已命中注定