★Telegraph版:【ORIGINAL MV】DEAD WORLD-死寂之境 [#holoTEMPUS]【Tempus團體原創曲歌詞翻譯】
★Google文件版:【ORIGINAL MV】DEAD WORLD-死寂之境 【Tempus團體原創曲歌詞翻譯】
╔???╝DEAD WORLD╚???╗
☆ Vocals: @BanzoinHakka @GavisBettel @MachinaXFlayon☆ Composition: @utsupofficial☆ Lyrics : @JunbugP☆ Art: YouYou (@xiayou1104)☆ MV: @vclaylien
??:As they all lay on the ground(他們全體橫陳遍壤)With that empty sound(伴隨那空洞鳴響)The deafening silence says it all(過於喧囂的寂靜道破所有)??: With blood on the floor(隨著鮮血遍地)I’m torn to the core(頓時痛入心脾)There’s no one to answer my last call(卻無人回應我最後呼喚嘶吼) ??:LET GO(掙脫吧)FEED YOUR BRUTALITY(放任你內心的暴戾吧)YOOOOOOO ??:When all of the idols fall to dust(當所有的偶像都化為塵土)The lime and the rust consume the answers(石灰和鐵鏽腐蝕了回應)??:Think of all the precious things I’ve lost(想著所有我失去的珍貴寶物)And this is the cost I’m paying(而這就是我要付出的代價) ??:All that I hold true(我所珍視的一切)I submit them to you(我將它們託付予你)For all of the strength I’m given(為了賦予我的所有力量)All I hold for you(及我為你所留存的一切)Will it be enough?(如此是否足矣?) ?? + ?? + ??:And when you look in my eyes(而當你直直望入我的雙眸)When my heart finally dies(當我內心歸於無息)Do you see the pain I’m holding to(你發現我所承受的痛楚了嗎)And deep in my soul(在我靈魂深處)I’ve lost all control(我已失去所有控制)And all this brings me back to you(而這一切又讓我重回你掌控之中) ?? + ?? + ??:For all of the times I walked alone(透過我踽踽獨行的所有時光)For all of the seeds of war I’ve sown(透過所有我埋下的戰爭火種)I see the dead world that you have left for me(我看見你為我留下那死寂世界) ??:When all of the castles fall to sand(當所有的堡壘都化為砂礫)Alone I still stand atop this mountain(我仍獨自佇立山巒之巔)??:But all of these feelings overcome(這些感覺卻全都消亡)Remind me just why I’m fighting here?(提醒我究竟為何在此奮戰) main?? (Backing vocal?? + ??):The lightning crashes(雷電劃破天際)And the sky turns black(turns black)(蒼穹變得漆黑如墨)Our wrath is here(吾輩雷霆之怒在此降臨)You better run from the storm(run from the storm)(奉勸最好逃離這狂風暴雨)The lightning crashes(雷電劃破天際)And the sky turns black(turns black)(蒼穹變得漆黑如墨)Our wrath is here(吾輩雷霆之怒在此降臨)You better run from the storm(奉勸最好逃離這狂風暴雨) ??:THE STORM(狂風暴雨) ??:And all of the leaves will turn to ash(當所有枝葉都化作灰燼)And thunder and lightning start to crash(雷鳴電閃逐漸轟鳴)??:When fire and chaos starts to spread(當焰火與混沌開始蔓延)I only know, I only know(我才知道,我才知道) ??:I know of the emptiness inside(才知道心靈深處的空洞虛無)I know of the fear that makes us hide(才知道那使我們不得不藏的恐懼)??:I pray for the times I’ll stand up to you(祈禱著某天我能敢於起身對抗你) ?? + ?? + ??:And when you look in my eyes(而當你直直望入我的雙眸)My rage starts to rise(我的狂暴越發劇烈)The ever consuming wrath that grows(永無止境的怒火持續蔓延)But I was so blind(但我當時太過無知)And all of this time(而長久以來)I didn’t control the path I chose(我對自己選擇的道路總身不由己) ?? + ?? + ??:When all of the dust would finally set(當一切最終塵埃落定)I stand here alone with my regrets(我帶著遺憾獨自佇立此地)I see the dead world that you have left for me(我看見你為我留下那死寂世界)I see the dead world that you have left for me(我看見你為我留下那死寂世界) ??:FOR ME(為我而留)
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我內在的天性終於不可遏止的爆發了 首次嘗試這樣中二的翻法,希望不會引起大家太多不適翻譯不能完全替代原始意思,純粹作為參考這次的翻譯是我耳中的版本,一樣是盡可能貼近原本歌詞而詞句中的邏輯解讀也很多種多樣,朋友跟我的想法都是大家可以思考自己心目中的哈姆雷特,一切都是有可能的必須非常感謝我的天才朋友Lime陪我討論文脈,想知道母語者跟我讀起來感覺是否有區別,然後裡面有太多可能的解釋,所以我們選擇盡量貼近歌詞本身的字面意義,解釋就留給各位歌曲聽眾吧~Lime跟我覺得每個人不同的解讀都是很有可能的??也再次感謝我的老大友千香跟小夥伴死魚,有時打結的時候,跟他們聊聊就能豁然開朗,像是”死寂世界”這名稱,與歌詞的寂靜呼應,就是跟他們討論的結果~
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