

【英文歌曲翻譯】Calliope Mori - UnAlive

二足步行傘トカゲ | 2022-03-30 10:16:12 | 巴幣 1002 | 人氣 394


Calliope Mori - UnAlive
Calliope Mori - 行屍走肉 (註1)

Vocals, Lyrics, Rap and Direction by: Calliope Mori
Produced and Engineered by Elliot Hsu
Music Video by Nonoru


It starts with just a thought within
A wish that rode on mellow wind
Begins and ends with “hello” and “goodbye”
I’ll take a chance to see what we could be
The past in distant memory
To another world
At last I’ll grasp that promised life
    我終將掌握那應許之命 (註2)
But the high is over sooner than it began
Stay alive and sober, all a part of the plan
I arrived a soldier in a far-off land
With a four-leaf clover in this scarred right hand
    保持清醒活下去,這一切都在計畫中 (註3)
You can
Over and over, rewrite
Felt the closure with every night
So you’re gonna go and let it all melt away into that formless storm of white?
    享受著解脫感每夜每晚 (註4)
On the winds of desperation
Flying for all this world to see
Though I make do all despite it,
Fate is hard to hide it’s
Always been decided for me
    讓這世界見證我的翱翔 (註5)
    儘管如此我也只能將就著順風而行 (註6)
Numbing pain is numbing happiness
Something anyone can find
Pushing on
For resolve
That is mine
It’s hopeless, though this soul can say I tried
To move forward, the lore is I must
Be void inside
    麻木的痛楚是麻木的幸福 (註7)
    堅持住 (註8)
    下定決心 (註9)
    根據古老傳說,若繼續前行  我的內心 (註10)
Recalling all the days we met
A place that I belonged, and yet
My world was built of walls of endless height
But it was melody that set me free
“This world ain’t seen the best of me”
I’m invincible
For just one moment, I can fight
    我可不會倒下 (註11)
    給我等一下,我還能戰 (註12)
Not hesitant, fast-paced hot to cold
I found a present, past, future in store being sold
Resentment, the more you're told
Deep inside of the binds of stories of old
    猶豫就會敗北,一秒切換由熱轉冷 (註13)
    袂爽 (註14)
    令人憤慨,你聽得越多 (註15)
Burning through every page
Keep you learning to envy the stage
All the while, with a vile and discerning smile
I’m planning how I’m gonna break the cage
    燃盡燒穿篇章的每一頁 (註16)
    同時保持邪惡且估價般的笑臉 (註17)
On winds of desperation
Flying for all this world to see
Though I make do all despite it
Fate is hard to hide, it’s
Always been decided for me
Numbing tears and heartache, sorrow, hate
Running endlessly through time again
Still deprived
Like I’ve always been
My home
A place I’ll never know until I’m satisfied
To move forward, the lore is I must
Be void inside
    根據古老傳說,若繼續前行  我的內心
The soul is divided
Colder inside, the dice
Roll is decisive
Must have it nice
A gorgeous device
To trick and entice, it’s got a price
    得有個華麗的手段 (註18)
    才能引誘和出千,這是等價交換 (註19)
Playing it straight
The cards I create
A heart’s nothing but dead weight
Diamonds or spades
The lies and charades
They never gonna change
    童叟無欺 (註20)
    一顆空洞的心重達千斤 (註21)
    方塊或是黑桃 (註22)
    謊言或是誤導 (註23)
Lie to myself
Reject any and all help
Betting all of my chips, let ’em fall to hell
Blood, sweat cannot stop the thoughts invading
“nobody’s waiting” after all
Is said and done
There’s nowhere left to run
    "沒有人在等我" 畢竟
    塵埃終將落地 (註24)
Forget the sun
Rest in peace and appease the beast
Never thought I’d beg the Beats to cease
Talking head rotting I don’t gotta be whole
Don’t want a dead body, don’t need no soul
    安息然後安撫那隻野獸 (註25)
    特寫鏡頭已逐漸腐朽 我沒必要保持完整 (註26)
Our world is turning once again
For that reason I still sing
And we’ve shed so many tears by now
Though I’d never dare to change a thing
Days of laughing and crying, feeling like dying
All became a part of me
We won’t have to wait for long
Waiting from beyond
What more could there be?
Numbing pain is numbing happiness
Something anyone can find
Pushing on
For resolve that’s truly mine
On the winds of desperation
Flying for all this world to see
Though I make do all despite it
Fate is hard to hide
I won’t let it decide who I’ll be
Numbing pain is numbing happiness
Though you know it’s all worth fighting for
Every means
To an end
Is an open door
Your home
Is more than just a place you're never satisfied
I’ll move forward toward something rewarding
By your orders, I’ll never be soaring
I’m ignoring the lore 'cuz I won’t
Be void inside
    我會繼續朝向有價值的目標前進 (註27)
    若依靠你們的指示,我將永無展翅高飛之日 (註28)
    我無視那些傳說  因為我不會
In Death, I’m somehow more alive






(1) unalive : 非活的,死的。不清醒的。

(註2) grasp : 抓牢,掌握,把握。

(註3) sober : 清醒。

(註4) closure : 解脫感。打烊,關閉,終止。

(註5) for all the world to see : 讓全世界看見。

(註6) make do : 湊合,將就。

(註7) numb : 麻木,沒有感覺,感覺很鈍。

(註8) push on : 堅持下去。

(註9) resolve : 決定,決心。解決。分解。

(註10) lore : (口頭)傳說。

(註11) invincible : 無敵,不會被打敗。戰無不勝。

(註12) just one moment : 稍等一下,且慢。

(註13) hesitant : 猶豫。

(註13) fast-paced : 快節奏。

(註14) Unpleasant : 不愉快。

(註15) Resentment : 怨恨,憤恨,憤慨。

(註16) Burning through : 燃燒殆盡。燒破,燒穿。

(註17) vile : 邪惡。

(註17) discerning : 有眼光的,有識別力的,有洞察力的。

(註18) device : 方法,手段。裝置,設備。

(註19) entice : 誘騙,引用,慫恿。

(註19) it’s got a price : 這是有代價的。

(註20) Play it straight : 誠實(的執行)。童叟無欺。

(註21) dead weight : 難以搬動的重量,重擔,沉重。

(註22) Diamonds : 方塊(撲克牌花色)。鑽石(複數)。

(註22) spades : 黑桃(撲克牌花色)。鏟子(複數)。

(註23) charades : 戲碼。騙人的動作。虛情假意。做做樣子。

(註24) When all is said and done : 最終,畢竟。塵埃落地。言出必行。

(註25) appease : 平息。安撫。緩和。

(註26) Talking head : 人物特寫鏡頭。

(註26) rotting : 腐爛。

(註27) rewarding : 有意義的,有成就感的,有益的。

(註28) soar : 高飛,翱翔。急升,高漲。




