

【英文歌曲翻譯】hololive English Council - Rise

二足步行傘トカゲ | 2022-08-24 15:52:17 | 巴幣 2002 | 人氣 375


hololive English Council - Rise
HoloEN 會議 - 崛起
(Mumei, Kronii, Sana, Fauna, Baelz)

Composition: Ereca Suzuki, Menma
Arrangement: Menma
Lyrics: noire
Mix: Masahiro Kawata


Vacant chairs are waiting to be filled
And the pressure's hard to handle running uphill
Fit inside the mold, keep what's been built
Almost seems as if the glass will spill

Like a fading divine omen of some time
Everything must stay in motion, must stay in line oh ah
But escape from the fray for a moment to unwind
    已褪色的神聖預兆曾言  (註1)
    所有事情都必須正常運轉,必須遵守規則 oh ah
    然而仍須從衝突中暫時離開,放鬆一下  (註2)

(Let's defy)

Get off your woah!
Assemble assemble now!
You know what it's all about!
Best way to decide
Throw a couple die
Turn it up, this is a tale we'll write!
    屁股離開椅墊!  (註3)

Hand in hand, a daring step off beat
By the power of our bond we want to be free
    用我們羈絆的力量追求自由  (註4)
Rise against the odds, ignite our blazing spirits
Following the path that we believe in
Archives we save, forever we hold
Countless memories with everyone

Ever since the start nothing could break between us
Laughing, crying, smiling, 'til it hits dusk
When the night is too dark
Remember the light in our hearts
As we reach for the sky
With you by our side
For eternity
Duties sitting, pending to be done
And the nerves are going crazy, story’s been spun Oh ah
Set commitments aside We need to have some fun
    精神幾近崩潰邊緣,明明故事早已擬定卻無法繼續 Oh ah  (註5)
    先把責任感丟旁邊 我們需要找點樂子

(Take the plunge)
    (下定決心)  (註6)

Get off your woah!
Assemble assemble now!
We 'bout to get real real loud!
Play a little game
Gotta entertain
Level up, even when it’s tough, we reign!
    我們已經準備好要響徹雲霄  (註7)
    Level up,就算再怎麼困難,我們也會君臨天下!

Ear to ear, a grin which can't be beat
There's a door to center stage and we have the key
    開懷大笑,露出無人能敵的笑容  (註8)
Celebrate our feats achieved, continue glowing
Let us share our dreams, our passions within
Seek through the past, we were never alone
Voices getting louder cheered us on

Ever since the start nothing could come between us
Sticking with each other when things got rough
Travelled a path so far
Won’t forget what made us who we are
As we reach for the sky
With you by our side
The beginning and the end are irrelevant
The journey itself nurtures strength
    開始與結果都無關緊要  (註9)

Come gather close
We're making the decision
Watch us grow
No taming our ambitions
The choice is always ours, we always rule
All for one
Rise against the odds, ignite our blazing spirits
Following the path that we believe in
Archives we save, forever we hold
Countless memories with everyone

Ever since the start nothing could break between us
Laughing, crying, smiling, 'til it hits dusk
When the night is too dark
Remember the light in our hearts
As we reach for the sky
With you by our side
For eternity






(註1) omen : 預兆,徵兆。

(註2) fray : 磨損,磨損處。爭鬥,打架。

(註2) unwind : 放鬆,解開。

(註3) Get off your : 推測來自片語"get off your backside",意思為起身做事。

(註4) bond : 紐帶,聯繫。

(註5) spin a story : 編造故事,杜撰故事。

(註6) Take the plunge : 下定決心,打定主意。尤其指花長時間考慮後決定執行高難度的事物。

(註7) I'm 'bout to : 準備好要做某事。

(註8) Ear to ear : 咧嘴大笑,笑得合不攏嘴。

(註8) grin : 露齒而笑。

(註9) irrelevant : 無關緊要,不相關的。



