At Last |
最終 |
歌手 | 編曲 | 作詞 |
Vivienne | Maurits"禪"Cornelis | Renko (ORANGE★JAM) |
原曲 |
東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires. |
デザイアドライブ |
社團 |
專輯 |
2018-08-12 (C96)FELT - Star piece |
歌詞 |
The silence in the night's unsettling When all you hear's the sound of your own mind. Struggling to understand, I am Fighting within myself, keeping it all contained. |
夜晚的寂靜總讓人坐立難安 只能聽見自己的心跳與心聲。 努力去理解, 在自己的內心奮鬥,試圖掌控一切。 |
But time and time again shows me the way, Even unclear as visions seem. Looking inside, now I have realized... |
但隨著一次又一次出現在眼前的道路, 似乎就連願景都變得模糊不清。 一睹內心,此刻才認知到… |
Even when there are limits, There within: imagination. I can find my true self And reach out for all I desire. |
即使現實充滿拘束, 在心中:遐想。 我便能找到真實的自己 並達成自己想要的一切。 |
Something's awakening. Didn't know I had it in me to stand tall And be who I'm ready to be at last. |
似乎有什麼在在心中崛起, 從未知曉自己擁有堅忍不拔的意志 而我準備好最終想要成為的模樣。 |
The sound of day becomes so deafening, But I would walk away from this weary life. People always say it's just a dream, "No need to live it out." "No need to struggle so hard." |
雖然白天的聲音變得如此震耳欲聾, 但我會離開這種疲憊的人生。 人們總說人生不過黃粱一夢, "不需活出自我。""不需痛苦掙扎。" |
I try and try again to find the words. Even when nothing comes, my voice Lost in the void, won't keep on holding me down. |
我一次次去找到適合的話語。 即使一切不動聲色,我的聲音 消失在虛無之中,我也不再繼續壓抑自我 |
Never hold back your senses, There within: illumination. We can find our own voice And reach out for what we desire. |
絕別壓抑你的感官 在心中:點亮。 我們可以找到自己的聲音 並達成我們自己所想的目標。 |
Let it begin anew. Take a step or two to move on And be who you've always wanted to be at last. |
讓人生重新開始。 一步步地邁出步伐 在最終成為你所想的模樣。 |
Even when there are limits, There within: imagination. I can find my true self And live the life I desire. |
即使現實充滿拘束, 在心中:遐想。 我便能找到真實的自己 過上自己想要的人生。 |
Never hold back your senses, There within is something for you. We can test the limits And live our own kind of life. |
絕別壓抑你的感官 在心中:點亮。 我們可以找到自己的聲音 過上屬於我們的人生。 |
Even when there are limits, There within: imagination. I can find my true self And live my own kind of life. |
即使現實充滿拘束, 在心中:遐想。 我便能找到真實的自己 過上屬於自己的人生。 |
I've found the light inside And I know that I've always had it in me To be who I've meant to be at last. |
我找到了在內心的光芒 我也知道我始終都擁有著希望 在最終成為我理想的模樣。 |