Forevermore |
永恆 |
歌手 | 編曲 | 作詞 |
Vivienne | NAGI☆ (伊藤賢) | Renko (ORANGE★JAM) |
原曲 |
妖精大戦爭 ~ 東方三月精 |
スターヴォヤージュ2008 |
社團 |
專輯 |
2018-08-12 (C96)FELT - Star piece |
歌詞 |
I've walked for as long as I have known, Discarded the things I needed most. I thought that, alone, I could be strong, Keep going on. |
我已歷經千辛萬苦, 捨棄許多重要的事物。 我本以為、一個人也能夠堅強, 獨自走在人生路上。 |
But days come where everything's undone, Unraveling loose, unkempt, unstrung, And I can't keep on holding on. |
但隨時光匆匆流逝、我仍一籌莫展 使我身心俱疲、憔悴不已, 已經無法再堅持下去。 |
Filled with something I cannot describe, In the darkened night, I still know the way. Even then are days where I might lose the sight of it. |
心中充斥著一言難盡的事物 身處黑夜、我仍能知曉路在何方。 儘管往後我無法再看見那些往事。 |
It's easy to feel as though I'm alone When I seem so lost, without a home. But given time, it's all just in the past. |
當我迷茫、沒有安全感時 心中不免衍生出孤獨感。 但是一切很快就成為雲煙。 |
This emptiness can make it seem like we're still strangers On a winding road or passing through the starless sky, But this distance doesn't have to own my life. |
這股空虛使我們彷彿只是萍水相逢 但哪怕前方道路坎坷、夜裡尋不見希望, 這些經歷在我人生中不過是滄海一粟。 |
At times, all my memories seem to blur As though a deep fog has come for good. I thought that, alone, I'd clear it all And see again. |
有時、我的記憶一片模糊 彷彿一場濃霧壟罩在腦海。 我本以為、一個人就能看清一切 並再次抬起頭來。 |
Your words and your feelings carry through And easily doubt gives way to truth. Like waking up at last, I'm freed. |
看著你始終貫徹著你的言行感受 隨心所欲地展現真實的樣貌。 使我終於清醒、擺脫束縛。 |
Filled with something I cannot describe, You have given me so much every time. I can feel the strength within is growing day by day. |
心中充斥著無可言喻的事物 你始終對我全心全意地付出 我能感受到內心的力量正日益茁壯 |
For once in my life, I feel like I'm home, No longer am I just on my own. I've left the rest behind within the past. |
生平第一次、感受到歸屬, 我也不再形單影隻。 不必要的事物都遺留在過往。 |
And even if on certain days, we seem like strangers Moving suddenly in different ways, it still won't break apart What we have or who we are inside. |
哪怕在未來、我們形同陌路 彼此踏上不同的旅途、我們也仍心若比鄰 珍惜當下以及我們的內在。 |
Tell me what lies beyond the future. Promise me we'll try together to Hold on when going through our darkest struggles. |
請告訴我 未來的旅途中潛藏著什麼。 請答應我 讓我們彼此扶持 度過最絕望的谷底。 |
Promise that I will stay here with you. You have my own heart forevermore. Even if this remains unspoken. |
我保證 我會待在你身邊。 我的心永遠只屬於你。 即便這感受一言難盡。 |
For once in my life, no longer alone, I feel like I'm finally at home And opened up a brand new world inside. |
生平第一次、不再形單影隻, 我終於找到我的歸屬 在心中開闢了一片嶄新的世界。 |
And ever should our promises fall into pieces, Moving suddenly in different ways, it still won't break apart What we have or who we are inside. |
哪怕我們之間的承諾分崩離析, 彼此踏上不同的旅途、我們心也仍若比鄰 珍惜當下以及我們的內在。 |
You'll have me forevermore. |
我只屬於你一人 直至永恆。 |