仰望滲著無眠之夜的夜空 明天會是怎麼樣的我呢?
trace 暗闇の中囁く聲は私を呼んでいる
trace 黑暗中的低語聲正呼喚著我
trace この手伸ばして光繋いでゆくの
trace 伸出這雙手牽繫起那道光芒
Don't be afraid. Because the light is here. 探すの夢の続き(みらい)を
Don't be afraid. Because the light is here. 追尋憧憬夢想的延續
Don't be afraid. Let the stars be a part of me 輝くのこの星を辿って
Don't be afraid. Let the stars be a part of me 抵達那顆閃耀的星光
眠れない夜はあなたを思い浮かべて 明日はどんな話をしよう
輾轉的夜裡冒現起你的身影 明天要聊怎樣的話題好呢
trace 暗闇の中導く聲は私を待っている
trace 黑暗中的引導聲正在等待著我
trace この手伸ばして夢を描いてゆくの
trace 伸出這雙手描繪起夢想景象
Don't be afraid. Because the light is here. 探すの夢の続き(みらい)を
Don't be afraid. Because the light is here. 追尋憧憬夢想的延續
Don't be afraid. Let the stars be a part of me 輝くのこの星を繋いで
Don't be afraid. Let the stars be a part of me 牽繫那顆閃耀的星光
Don't be afraid. Because the light is here. 探すの夢の続き(みらい)を
Don't be afraid. Because the light is here. 追尋憧憬夢想的延續
Don't be afraid. Let the stars be a part of me 響かせるのこの聲を…
Don't be afraid. Let the stars be a part of me 將這縈繞迴盪的聲音…
Don't be afraid. Because the light is here. 探すの夢の続き(みらい)を
Don't be afraid. Because the light is here. 追尋憧憬夢想的延續
Don't be afraid. Let the stars be a part of me 輝くのこの星を辿って
Don't be afraid. Let the stars be a part of me 抵達那顆閃耀的星光