?? 原以為我被中時的500團隊陷害,誤會外交家的內文,根本並非如此;於是找出來看了一遍。完整閱讀後發覺,是差一點下巴沒掉下來!
因為中時太厚道了,沒有翻關鍵的內文,也就是說這個媒體已認證空姐為「空心」的事實; 不但空心,而且『不管臺灣人死活』,也沒有一個清楚的兩岸政策:
Tsai Ing-wen, the DPP presidential candidate, has done little to assuage such fears. The candidate’s positions on many of the most important issues of the day remain opaque and unclear, especially her plans for handling relations with Beijing.
According to a poll conducted in 2014 by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the overwhelming majority of the American public (71 percent) opposes sending troops to defend Taiwan if it is attacked by China.
The U.S. is Taiwan’s primary security partner and the only country that "might" provide it with military support in a conflict with China. In the event of war, there will be no “coalition of the willing.” America cannot expect assistance from Canada, Australia, or any country in Europe.
And despite its lead in the polls, there are concerns that the DPP has given up on democracy. For example, it is reportedly embracing a Middle Eastern practice known as “rent a mob” and subsidizing extremists who attack Taiwan’s government ministries. This makes it increasingly difficult for Americans to sensibly argue that Taiwan is a “model of democracy.”