

Fallout 76 詞綴英文縮寫

mP3+Z | 2024-05-19 13:48:44 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 147

一些縮寫猜不出啥意思所以google了一下 找到有人整理了


PREFIX (1*)    一星
AA = Anti-Armor (weapons) 反裝甲
AR or ARI = Aristocrat's 貴族派頭
A or ASS = Assassin's 刺客
AS = Auto Stim (armor) 自動(dòng)注射
BER or BZ = Berserker's (weapons) 狂戰(zhàn)士
B = Bloodied (weapons) 染血
B or BOL = Bolstering (armor) 支撐
CH = Chameleon (armor) 變色龍
CL = Cloaking (armor) 護(hù)罩
D = Double (ranged weapons) 這個(gè)好像被刪了
EXE = Executioner's (weapons) 劊子手
E or EXT = Exterminator's 昆蟲剋星
F = Furious (weapons) 狂怒
GS = Ghoul Slayer's 屍鬼殺手
G = Gourmand's (weapons) 貪食人
H = Hunter's  動(dòng)物剋星
I = Instigating (weapons) 煽動(dòng)
JG or JN = Juggernaut's (weapons)  巨無霸
J = Junkie's (weapons) 毒蟲
LS = Life Saving (armor) 人命救助
M or ME = Medic's (weapons) 醫(yī)護(hù)
MS = Mutant Slayer's 變種剋星
M or MU = Mutant's  變種人
N = Nocturnal 夜間
O or OE = Overeater's (armor) 過度進(jìn)食人
Q = Quad (ranged weapons) 四
R = Regenerating (armor) 再生
S or ST = Stalker's (weapons) 潛行者
SU = Suppressor's (weapons) 抑制
T = Troubleshooter's  機(jī)械師
TS = Two Shot (ranged weapons) 雙彈
U = Unyielding (non-PA armor) 不屈不撓
V = Vampire's (weapons) 吸血鬼
V or VAN = Vanguard's (armor) 先鋒
W = Weightless (armor) 無重量
Z = Zealot's 幅屍獸剋星

MAJOR (2*)    二星
+1A or 1A = 1 Agility (armor)    +1 敏捷
+1C or 1C = 1 Charisma (armor)    +1 魅力
+1E or 1E = 1 Endurance (armor)    +1 耐力
+1I or 1I = 1 Intelligence (armor)    +1 智力
+1L or 1L - 1 Luck (armor)    +1 運(yùn)氣
+1P or 1P = 1 Perception (armor)    +1 感知
+1S or 1S = 1 Strength (armor)    +1 力量
10 = hunger/thirst grow 10% slower (armor)    飢餓/口渴速度減慢 10%
25 = 25% more damage while standing still (melee)    靜止不動(dòng)時(shí)傷害增加 25%
25A = 25% more damage while aiming (ranged)    瞄準(zhǔn)時(shí)傷害增加 25%
25C = 25 cryo resistance (armor)    25%耐低溫
25D or 25E = 25% environmental disease resistance (armor)    25%環(huán)境疾病抗性
25F or FFR = 25% faster fire rate (ranged)    射速加快 25%
25F = 25 fire resistance (armor)    25%火抗性
25P = 25 poison resistance (armor)    25%毒抗性
25R = 25 radiation resistance (armor)    25%輻射抗性
40 = 40% more power attack damage (melee)    近戰(zhàn)強(qiáng)力攻擊傷害增加40%
50 or 50C = VATS critical hits do 50% more damage (weapons)    VATS 致命一擊造成的傷害增加 50%
50B or BASH = bashing damage increased by 50% (ranged)    猛擊傷害增加 50%
50L = 50% more limb damage (weapons)    肢體傷害增加 50%
50R = reflect 50% of melee damage while blocking (melee)    格擋時(shí)反射 50% 的近戰(zhàn)傷害
50V = 50% higher VATS hit chance (weapons)    VATS 命中率提高 50%
7 or 7E = receive 7% less explosive damage (armor)    受到的爆炸傷害減少 7%
AP = replenish 15 AP per kill (weapons)    每次擊殺補(bǔ)充 15 AP
AP or POW = increases AP refresh speed (armor)    增加 AP 重生速度
E = bullets explode for area damage (ranged)    子彈爆炸造成區(qū)域傷害
LS = last round in a magazine has 25% chance to do double damage (ranged)    彈匣中的最後一發(fā)子彈有 25% 的幾率造成雙倍傷害
SS = 40% faster swing speed (melee)    揮擊速度加快 40%

MINOR (3*)    三星
+1A or 1A = 1 Agility (weapons)    +1 敏捷
+1E or 1E = 1 Endurance (melee)    +1 耐力
+1P or 1P = 1 Perception (ranged)    +1 感知
+1S or 1S = 1 Strength (melee)    +1 力量
5C or 100C = 5% chance to deal 100 cryo damage to melee attackers (armor)    5% 的幾率對(duì)近戰(zhàn)攻擊者造成 100 低溫傷害
5E or 100E = 5% chance to deal 100 energy damage to melee attackers (armor)    5% 幾率對(duì)近戰(zhàn)攻擊者造成 100 能量傷害
5F or 100F = 5% chance to deal 100 fire damage to melee attackers (armor)    5% 幾率對(duì)近戰(zhàn)攻擊者造成 100 火焰?zhèn)?br>5P or 100P = 5% chance to deal 100 poison damage to melee attackers (armor)    5% 幾率對(duì)近戰(zhàn)攻擊者造成 100 毒傷害
15 or 15R = 15% faster reload (ranged)    裝填速度加快 15%
15C = VATS critical fill meter fills 15% faster (weapons)     VATS 爆擊量表填充速度加快 15%
15B or BL = reduces damage while blocking by 15% (armor and melee)    格擋時(shí)傷害減少 15%
15L = receive 15% less limb damage (armor)    肢體傷害減少 15%
25 or LVC = 25% lower VATS cost (weapons)    VATS 花費(fèi)降低 25%
40 = take 40% less damage while power attacking (melee)    強(qiáng)力攻擊時(shí)受到的傷害減少 40%
50 or 50A = 50 damage resistance while aiming (ranged)    瞄準(zhǔn)時(shí)增加 50 傷害抗性
50D or DUR = breaks 50% slower (weapons)    損壞速度降低 50%
50D or DUR = 50% more durability (armor)    耐用度提高 50%
50F or Acro = reduces fall damage by 50% (armor)    墜落傷害減少 50%
90 = 90% reduced weight (weapons)    重量減輕 90%
250 = 250 damage resistance while reloading (ranged)    填彈時(shí)增加 250 傷害抗性
AWR = ammo weight reduced by 20% (armor)    彈藥重量減少 20%
CAV = 75% chance to reduce damage by 15% while sprinting (armor)    衝刺時(shí)有 75% 幾率減少 15% 傷害
DIS = slowly regenerate radiation damage when not in combat (armor)    非戰(zhàn)鬥時(shí)緩慢再生輻射傷害
Diver's = grants underwater breathing (armor)    授予水下呼吸
DOC = 5% more powerful meds    強(qiáng)效藥物 5%
FMS = faster movement speed while aiming (ranged)    瞄準(zhǔn)時(shí)更快的移動(dòng)速度
FWR = food, drink, and chem weight reduced by 20% (armor)    食物、飲料和化學(xué)品重量減少 20%
HTD = harder to detect while sneaking (armor)    潛行時(shí)較難被發(fā)現(xiàn)
JWR = junk weight reduced by 20% (armor)    垃圾重量減少 20%
LOCK or SAFE = Increases size of sweet-spot while picking locks (armor)    開鎖時(shí)增加最佳位置的大小
SEN = 75% chance to reduce damage by 15% while standing still (armor)    75% 幾率在靜止不動(dòng)狀態(tài)下減少 15% 傷害
SF = chance for stealth field (weapons)    增加潛行範(fàn)圍
WWR = weapon weight reduced by 20% (armor)    武器重量減少 20%

