

University - Array

野兔Peko | 2014-12-23 19:45:20 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 232

  • Array: a set of index and value
  • ADT( abstract data type):
    For each index, there is a value associated with that index. (Their relationship is the linear.)
  • Representation (possible)
    Implemented by using consecutive memory.

Ordered (linear) list
(item1, item2, item3, …, itemn)

Operations on Ordered List ( Linear List)
(1) Finding the length, n , of the list. (找list長度)
(2) Reading the items in a list from left to right (or right to left).
(3) Retrieving the ith element from a list, 0 ≦i<n. (抓第i個)
(4) Replacing (Storing) the item in the ith position of a list,   
     0≦i<n. (存到第i個)
(5) Inserting a new item in the ith position of list, 0 ≦i ≦n. The items previously numbered  i, i+1, …, n-1 to become items numbered i+1, i+2, …, n (插入新item到第i個)
(6) Deleting an item from the ith position of a list, 0 ≦i<n. The items numbered i+1, …, n-1 to become items numbered i, i+1, …, n-2. (刪除第i個item)

A(X)=3X200+2X2+4, B(X)=X4+10X3+3X2+1

class polynomial
objects: a1xe1+…+anxen;  a set of ordered pairs of <ei ,ai> where ai∈Coefficient and ei∈ Exponent We assume that Exponent consists of integers ≥ 0
// return the polynomial p(x) = 0
int operator!();
// if *this is the zero polynomial, return 1; else return 0;
Coefficient Coef(Exponent e);
// return the coefficient of e in *this
Exponent LeadExp();
// return the largest exponent in *this
Polynomial Add(Polynomial poly);
// return the sum of the polynomials *this and poly
Polynomial Mult(Polynomial poly);
// return the product of the polynomials *this and poly
float Eval(float f);
// Evaluate the polynomial *this at f and return the result
}; end of Polynomial

Polynomial Representation I
(浪費空間 => 當多項式是sparse時)
#define MAX_Degree 201
int degree;
float coef[MAX_DEGREE+1];


Waste space when the degree of the polynomial is much smaller than Max_Degree

Polynomial Representation II

#define MAX_TERMS 100 /* size of terms array */
Class polynomial;//forward declaration
Class term {               
    friend polynomial;   
          private:  float coef;                    
       int expon;

Class Polynomial { private:  term terms[MAX_TERMS];
                                                 int avail = 0, int start, finish;


twice as much as 1 when all the items are nonzero

Sparse Matrix(稀疏矩陣)

A matrix is called sparse if it consists of many zero entries (矩陣內很多0 稱稀疏矩陣)
Space complexity is O(m×n)

Sparse Matrix Representation
  1. Use triple <row, column, value>
  2. Store triples row by row (按照列一列一列儲存)
  3. For all triples within a row, their colum indices are in ascending order. (相同row,儲存順序依照column由小到大來存放)
  4. Must know the numbers of rows and columns and the number of nonzero elements (必須知道row, col,及非零項有那些)

Class term
Class SparseMatrix;
                                 int col;                                 
                                 int row;
                                 int value;
In class SparseMatrix
                                 int Rows, Cols, Terms;
                                 term sA[MaxTerms];
