Barbed sword hilts (荊棘劍柄)1k
Crippling sword hilts(致殘劍柄) 1k
Cruel sword hilts(殘酷劍柄) 1k
Ebon sword hilts(黑檀劍柄) 2k
Fiery sword hilts(火焰劍柄) 2k
Furious sword hilts(完美狂怒劍柄) 5k
Furious 09% (狂怒9%劍柄)- 3k
Furious 08% (狂怒8%劍柄)- 1k
Icy sword hilts(冰凍劍柄) 2-4k
Poisonous sword hilts(淬毒劍柄) 1k
Shocking sword hilts(電擊劍柄) 2-4k
Sundering sword hilts(完美分離劍柄) 20-30k
Sundering 19% (分離19%劍柄)- 5k
Sundering 18% (分離18%劍柄)- 2k
Vampiric sword hilts(吸血鬼劍柄) 3-5k
Zealous sword hilts (熱望劍柄)3-6k
Sword pommels of defense (防衛劍柄首)3-5k
Sword pommels of enchanting(完美附魔劍柄首) 8-12k
Enchanting 19% (附魔19%劍柄首)- 3-8k
Enchanting 18% (附魔18%劍柄首)- 1-2k
Sword pommels of fortitude(完美堅忍劍柄首) 15-25k
Fortitude 29hp (堅忍29劍柄首)- 5-8k
Fortitude 28hp(堅忍28劍柄首) - 3-5k
Sword pommels of shelter(完美庇護劍柄;對物理攻擊首) 4-7k
Shelter +6(庇護+6劍柄首;對物理攻擊) - 1K
Sword pommels of swordsmanship(完美劍術精通劍柄首) 6k
Swordsmanship +1 19% (劍術精通19%劍柄首) - 4k
Swordsmanship +1 18% (劍術精通18劍柄首) - 1K
Sword pommels of warding (完美結界劍柄首;對元素魔法) 4-7k
Warding +6 (結界+6劍柄首;對元素魔法) - 1K
Barbed axe hafts (荊棘斧柄) 1k
Crippling axe hafts (致殘斧柄) 1K
Cruel axe hafts (殘酷斧柄) 1K
Ebon axe hafts(黑檀斧柄) 2k
Fiery axe hafts(火焰斧柄) 2k
Furious axe hafts(完美狂怒斧柄) 6-10k
Furious 09% (狂怒9%斧柄)- 3-5k
Furious 08% (狂怒8%斧柄)- 1k
Heavy axe hafts (沉重斧柄)1K (Never seen this one, why would anyone want it?)"從未看過這個組件,為什麼沒有人想要它?"
Icy axe hafts(冰凍斧柄) 2k
Poisonous axe hafts(淬毒斧柄) 1k
Shocking axe hafts (電擊斧柄)2k
Sundering axe hafts(完美分離斧柄) 15-20k
Sundering 19% (分離19%斧柄)- 5k
Sundering 18% (分離18%斧柄)- 3k
Vampiric axe hafts(吸血鬼斧柄) 5k
Zealous axe hafts (熱望斧柄)5-8k
Axe grips of axe mastery (完美斧術精通斧把手)3-4k
Axe mastery +1 19% (斧術精通19%斧把手)- 1-2k
Axe mastery +1 18% (斧術精通18%斧把手)- 1K
Axe grips of defense (完美防衛斧把手)2-5k
Axe grips of enchanting (完美附魔斧把手)5-8k
Enchanting 19% (附魔19%斧把手)- 3-5k
Enchanting 18% (附魔18%斧把手)- 1-2k
Axe grips of fortitude (完美堅忍斧把手)10-15k
Fortitude 29hp (堅忍29斧把手)- 5k
Fortitude 28hp (堅忍28斧把手)- 2-3k
Axe grips of shelter (完美庇護斧把手;對物理攻擊)2-5k
Shelter +6 (庇護+6斧把手;對物理攻擊)- 1K
Axe grips of warding (完美結界斧把手;對元素魔法)2-5k
Warding +6 (結界+6斧把手;對元素魔法)- 1K
Cruel hammer hafts (殘酷鎚柄)1k
Ebon hammer hafts(黑檀鎚柄) 1K
Fiery hammer hafts (火焰鎚柄)1k
Furious hammer hafts (完美狂怒鎚柄)5k
Furious 09% (狂怒9%鎚柄)- 2-3k
Furious 08% (狂怒8%鎚柄)- 1K
Heavy hammer hafts (沉重鎚柄)1k
Icy hammer hafts (冰凍鎚柄)1-2k
Shocking hammer hafts (電擊鎚柄)1-2k
Sundering hammer hafts (完美分離鎚柄)5k
Sundering 19% (分離19%鎚柄)- 3-5k
Sundering 18% (分離18%鎚柄)- 1k
Vampiric hammer hafts (吸血鬼鎚柄)2-3k
Zealous hammer hafts (熱望鎚柄)3-5k
Hammer grips of defense(防衛鎚把手) 2-5k
Hammer grips of enchanting(完美附魔鎚把手)5k
Enchanting 19% (附魔19%鎚把手)- 2-3k
Enchanting 18% (附魔18%鎚把手)- 1k
Hammer grips of fortitude(完美堅忍鎚把手) 5k
Fortitude 29hp (堅忍29鎚把手)- 2-3k
Fortitude 28hp (堅忍28鎚把手)- 1k
Hammer grips of hammer mastery (完美鎚術精通鎚把手)3-4k
Hammer mastery +1 19%(鎚術精通19%鎚把手) - 1k
Hammer mastery +1 18%(鎚術精通18%鎚把手)- 1K
Hammer grips of shelter(完美庇護鎚把手;對物理攻擊) 2-5k
Shelter +6 (庇護+6鎚把手;對物理攻擊)- 1K
Hammer grips of warding(完美結界鎚把手;對元素魔法) 2-5k
Warding +6 (結界鎚把手;對元素魔法)- 1K
Barbed bow strings(荊棘弓弦) 1-2k
Crippling bow strings (致殘弓弦)1-2K
Ebon bow strings (黑檀弓弦)2K
Fiery bow strings (火焰弓弦)2k
Icy bow strings (冰凍弓弦)2K
Poisonous bow strings (淬毒弓弦)1k
Shocking bow strings (電擊弓弦)2k
Silencing bow strings (沉默弓弦)4-5k
Sundering bow strings (完美分離弓弦)10-15k
Sundering 19% (分離19%弓弦)- 5k
Sundering 18% (分離18%弓弦)- 2-3k
Vampiric bow strings (吸血鬼弓弦)3-5k
Zealous bow strings (熱望弓弦)4-7k
Bow grips of defense (完美防衛弓握柄)2-5k
Bow grips of enchanting (完美附魔弓握柄)3k
Enchanting 19% (附魔19%弓握柄)- 1k
Enchanting 18% (附魔18%弓握柄)- 1K
Bow grips of fortitude (完美堅忍弓握柄)5-8k
Fortitude 29hp (堅忍29弓握柄)- 3k
Fortitude 28hp (堅忍28弓握柄)- 1k
Bow grips of marksmanship (完美弓術精通弓握柄)3-8k
Marksmanship +1 19% (弓術精通19%弓握柄)- 1k
Marksmanship +1 18% (弓術精通18%弓握柄)- 1K
Bow grips of shelter (完美庇護弓握炳;對物理攻擊)2-5k
Shelter +6 (庇護+6弓握炳;對物理攻擊)- 1K
Bow grips of warding (完美結界弓握炳;對元素魔法)2-5k
Warding +6 (結界弓握炳;對元素魔法)- 1K
Barbed dagger tangs (荊棘匕首刃)2-3k
Crippling dagger tangs (致殘匕首刃)1K
Cruel dagger tangs (殘酷匕首刃)2K
Ebon dagger tangs (黑檀匕首刃)2K
Fiery dagger tangs (火焰匕首刃)2k
Furious dagger tangs (完美狂怒匕首刃)2-4k
Furious 09% - (狂怒9%匕首刃)1K
Icy dagger tangs (冰凍匕首刃)1-2k
Poisonous dagger tangs (淬毒匕首刃)2-3k
Shocking dagger tangs (電擊匕首刃)1-2k
Silencing dagger tangs (沉默匕首刃)2-3k
Sundering dagger tangs (完美分離匕首刃)5-8k
Sundering 19% -(分離19%匕首刃) 2-3k
Vampiric dagger tangs (吸血鬼匕首刃)2k
Zealous dagger tangs (熱望匕首刃)5-8K
Dagger handles of dagger mastery(完美匕首精通匕首握柄) 3-8k
Dagger mastery +1 19% - (匕首精通19%匕首握柄)1k
Dagger mastery +1 18% - (匕首精通18%匕首握柄)1K
Dagger handles of defense (完美防衛匕首握柄)2-5k
Dagger handles of enchanting (完美附魔匕首握柄)3-5k
Enchanting 19% - (附魔19%匕首握柄)1-2k
Enchanting 18% - (附魔18%匕首握柄)1k
Dagger handles of fortitude (完美堅忍匕首握柄)5-8k
Fortitude 29hp -(堅忍29匕首握柄) 1-3k
Fortitude 28hp -(堅忍28匕首握柄)1K
Dagger handles of shelter (完美庇護匕首握柄;對物理攻擊)2-5k
Shelter +6 - (庇護+6匕首握柄;對物理攻擊)1K
Dagger handles of warding (完美結界匕首握柄)2-5k
Warding +6 - (結界+6匕首握柄)1K
Adept staff heads (完美行家法杖頭)4-8K
Adept 19% (行家19%法杖頭)- 1-2k
Defensive staff heads (防衛法杖頭)1K
Hale staff heads (完美堅忍杖柄)3-5k
Hale +29hp (堅忍29杖柄)- 1-2k
Insightful staff heads 2-3k
Swift staff heads 5-15k
Staff wrappings of defense 1K
Staff wrappings of devotion 5-20k
Devotion 44hp - 5-10k
Staff wrappings of enchanting 5-10k
Enchanting 19% - 2k
Enchanting 18% - 1K
Staff wrappings of endurance 2-3k
Staff wrappings of fortitude 5-8k
Fortitude +29hp - 2k
Staff wrappings of mastery 5-20k
Staff wrappings of shelter 2k
Staff wrappings of valor 5-10k
Staff wrappings of warding 2k
New Mods and Inscriptions
Barbed scythe snathes (荊棘鐮刀柄)2k
Crippling scythe snathes (致殘鐮刀柄)2k
Cruel scythe snathes (殘酷鐮刀柄)2k
Ebon scythe snathes (黑檀鐮刀柄)5-8k
Fiery scythe snathes (火焰鐮刀柄)2k
Furious scythe snathes (完美狂怒鐮刀柄)5-10k
Furious 09% - (狂怒9%鐮刀柄)2-3k
Heavy scythe snathes(殘酷鐮刀柄) 1K
Icy scythe snathes (冰凍鐮刀柄)3-5K
Poisonous scythe snathes (淬毒鐮刀柄)2K
Shocking scythe snathes (電擊鐮刀柄)2k
Sundering scythe snathes (完美分離鐮刀柄)15-20k
Sundering 19% - (分離19%鐮刀柄)5-10k
Sundering 18% - (分離18%鐮刀柄)2-3k
Vampiric scythe snathes (吸血鬼鐮刀柄)3-5k
Zealous scythe snathes (熱望鐮刀柄)5-8k
Scythe grips of defense (完美防衛握柄)3-5k
Scythe grips of enchanting (完美附魔握柄)15-20k
Enchanting 19% -(附魔19%握柄)
Enchanting 18% - (附魔18%握柄)3-5k
Scythe grips of fortitude (完美堅忍握柄)10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - (堅忍29握柄)5k
Fortitude 28hp - (堅忍28握柄)3k
Scythe grips of scythe mastery (完美鐮刀精通握柄)3-5k
Scythe Mastery +1 19% -(鐮刀精通19%握柄) 1k
Scythe grips of shelter (完美庇護握柄;對物理攻擊)2-5k
Shelter +6 -(庇護+6握柄;對物理攻擊) 1K
Scythe grips of warding (完美結界握柄;對元素魔法)3-5k
Warding +6 - (結界+6握柄;對元素魔法)1K
Barbed spearheads 1K
Crippling spearheads 1k
Cruel spearheads 1k
Ebon spearheads 1-2k
Fiery spearheads 1-2k
Furious spearheads 5-10k
Furious 09% - 5-10k
Furious 08% - 2-3k
Heavy spearheads 1K
Icy spearheads 1-2K
Poisonous spearheads 1-2k
Shocking spearheads 1-2k
Silencing spearheads 1-2k
Sundering spearheads 10-15k
Sundering 19% - 5k
Sundering 18% - 3k
Vampiric spearheads 5k
Zealous spearheads 5-10k
Spear grips of defense 3-5k
Spear grips of enchanting 5-10k
Enchanting 19% - 3-5k
Spear grips of fortitude 10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 5-8k
Fortitude 28hp - 3k
Spear grips of shelter 2-5k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Spear grips of spear mastery 3-5k
Spear mastery +1 19% - 1k
Spear grips of warding 2-5k
Warding +6 - 1K
Shield Handles
Shield handles of devotion 10-15k
Devotion +44 2-3k
Shield handles of endurance 10-15k
Endurance +44 2-3k
Shield handles of fortitude 10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 5-8k
Shield handles of valor 5-10k
Focus cores of aptitude 5-15k
Focus cores of devotion 5-15k
Focus cores of endurance 1-2k
Focus cores of fortitude 5-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 3-5k
Focus cores of swiftness 3-5k
Focus cores of valor 5-20k
Be just and fear not inscriptions 3-5k
Forget me not inscriptions 30-50k (hard to find)
Forget Me Not 19% - 10-20k
Hail to the king inscriptions 3-5k
Life is pain inscriptions 2k
Man for all seasons inscriptions 3k
Survival of the fittest inscriptions 3-5k
Shield and Focus Inscriptions
Luck of the draw inscriptions 10-15k
Luck of the draw 19% - 3-5k
Run for your life! inscriptions 5-8k
Sheltered by faith inscriptions 3-5k
Sleep now in the fire inscriptions 5-15k+
The riddle of steel inscriptions 7-15k+
Riders on the storm inscriptions 5-10k
Leaf on the wind inscriptions 5-10k
Through thick and thin inscriptions 5-10k
Not the face! inscriptions 5-8k
Like a Rolling Stone inscriptions 5-10k
Master of my domain inscriptions 10-20k
Martial/General Weapon Inscriptions
(I KNOW these aren't all JUST martial... that's what they are only used for though)
I Have The Power! inscriptions 4-7k (Increase in demand from "Caster" swords)
Let The Memory Live Again inscriptions 2-4k
Strength and honor inscriptions -4-7k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Strength and honor 14>50 - 1-2k
Brawn Over Brains inscriptions 2-5k
To The Pain! inscriptions 2-5k
Vengeance is Mine inscriptions 2-5k
Dance with Death inscriptions 2-5k
Spellcasting Weapon Inscriptions
Appitude Not Attitude inscriptions 8-15k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Appitude Not Attitude 19% - 5k
Hale And Hearty inscriptions 3-5k
Have Faith inscriptions 2-3k
Seize The Day inscriptions 7-15k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Don't call it a comeback! inscriptions 3-5k
I am Sorrow inscriptions 3-5k
Ignorance is bliss inscriptions 3-5k
Wand wrappings of memory 3-10k
Memory 19% - 2-5k
Wand wrappings of quickening 2-3k
Don't Think Twice inscriptions - 2-3k
Please give me more feedback on how you buy and sell, much is needed for this, and remind me what i need to add. Thanks!
Aptitude not attitude inscriptions 10-15k
Show me the money inscriptions 1k
Cast out the unclean inscriptions 1-2k
Might makes right inscriptions 1-5k
Riders on the storm inscriptions 5-10k
Guided by fate inscriptions 6-8k (Dervish Users prefer this than 15%^50%)
Faith is my shield inscriptions 3-5k
Soundness of mind inscriptions 1-3k
Fear cuts deeper inscriptions 1-2k
Measure for measure inscriptions 1k
Serenity now inscriptions 3-5k
Live for today inscriptions 5-10k
Let the memory live again inscriptions 2-4k
Life is pain inscriptions 2k
Not the face! inscriptions 5-10k
Nothing to fear inscriptions 3-5k
Run for your life! inscriptions 5-8k
Sheltered by faith inscriptions 3-5k
Spear grips of fortitude 10-20k
Axe grips of pruning 5-10k
Barbed sword hilts (荊棘劍柄)1k
Crippling sword hilts(致殘劍柄) 1k
Cruel sword hilts(殘酷劍柄) 1k
Ebon sword hilts(黑檀劍柄) 2k
Fiery sword hilts(火焰劍柄) 2k
Furious sword hilts(完美狂怒劍柄) 5k
Furious 09% (狂怒9%劍柄)- 3k
Furious 08% (狂怒8%劍柄)- 1k
Icy sword hilts(冰凍劍柄) 2-4k
Poisonous sword hilts(淬毒劍柄) 1k
Shocking sword hilts(電擊劍柄) 2-4k
Sundering sword hilts(完美分離劍柄) 20-30k
Sundering 19% (分離19%劍柄)- 5k
Sundering 18% (分離18%劍柄)- 2k
Vampiric sword hilts(吸血鬼劍柄) 3-5k
Zealous sword hilts (熱望劍柄)3-6k
Sword pommels of defense (防衛劍柄首)3-5k
Sword pommels of enchanting(完美附魔劍柄首) 8-12k
Enchanting 19% (附魔19%劍柄首)- 3-8k
Enchanting 18% (附魔18%劍柄首)- 1-2k
Sword pommels of fortitude(完美堅忍劍柄首) 15-25k
Fortitude 29hp (堅忍29劍柄首)- 5-8k
Fortitude 28hp(堅忍28劍柄首) - 3-5k
Sword pommels of shelter(完美庇護劍柄;對物理攻擊首) 4-7k
Shelter +6(庇護+6劍柄首;對物理攻擊) - 1K
Sword pommels of swordsmanship(完美劍術精通劍柄首) 6k
Swordsmanship +1 19% (劍術精通19%劍柄首) - 4k
Swordsmanship +1 18% (劍術精通18劍柄首) - 1K
Sword pommels of warding (完美結界劍柄首;對元素魔法) 4-7k
Warding +6 (結界+6劍柄首;對元素魔法) - 1K
Barbed axe hafts (荊棘斧柄) 1k
Crippling axe hafts (致殘斧柄) 1K
Cruel axe hafts (殘酷斧柄) 1K
Ebon axe hafts(黑檀斧柄) 2k
Fiery axe hafts(火焰斧柄) 2k
Furious axe hafts(完美狂怒斧柄) 6-10k
Furious 09% (狂怒9%斧柄)- 3-5k
Furious 08% (狂怒8%斧柄)- 1k
Heavy axe hafts (沉重斧柄)1K (Never seen this one, why would anyone want it?)"從未看過這個組件,為什麼沒有人想要它?"
Icy axe hafts(冰凍斧柄) 2k
Poisonous axe hafts(淬毒斧柄) 1k
Shocking axe hafts (電擊斧柄)2k
Sundering axe hafts(完美分離斧柄) 15-20k
Sundering 19% (分離19%斧柄)- 5k
Sundering 18% (分離18%斧柄)- 3k
Vampiric axe hafts(吸血鬼斧柄) 5k
Zealous axe hafts (熱望斧柄)5-8k
Axe grips of axe mastery (完美斧術精通斧把手)3-4k
Axe mastery +1 19% (斧術精通19%斧把手)- 1-2k
Axe mastery +1 18% (斧術精通18%斧把手)- 1K
Axe grips of defense (完美防衛斧把手)2-5k
Axe grips of enchanting (完美附魔斧把手)5-8k
Enchanting 19% (附魔19%斧把手)- 3-5k
Enchanting 18% (附魔18%斧把手)- 1-2k
Axe grips of fortitude (完美堅忍斧把手)10-15k
Fortitude 29hp (堅忍29斧把手)- 5k
Fortitude 28hp (堅忍28斧把手)- 2-3k
Axe grips of shelter (完美庇護斧把手;對物理攻擊)2-5k
Shelter +6 (庇護+6斧把手;對物理攻擊)- 1K
Axe grips of warding (完美結界斧把手;對元素魔法)2-5k
Warding +6 (結界+6斧把手;對元素魔法)- 1K
Cruel hammer hafts (殘酷鎚柄)1k
Ebon hammer hafts(黑檀鎚柄) 1K
Fiery hammer hafts (火焰鎚柄)1k
Furious hammer hafts (完美狂怒鎚柄)5k
Furious 09% (狂怒9%鎚柄)- 2-3k
Furious 08% (狂怒8%鎚柄)- 1K
Heavy hammer hafts (沉重鎚柄)1k
Icy hammer hafts (冰凍鎚柄)1-2k
Shocking hammer hafts (電擊鎚柄)1-2k
Sundering hammer hafts (完美分離鎚柄)5k
Sundering 19% (分離19%鎚柄)- 3-5k
Sundering 18% (分離18%鎚柄)- 1k
Vampiric hammer hafts (吸血鬼鎚柄)2-3k
Zealous hammer hafts (熱望鎚柄)3-5k
Hammer grips of defense(防衛鎚把手) 2-5k
Hammer grips of enchanting(完美附魔鎚把手)5k
Enchanting 19% (附魔19%鎚把手)- 2-3k
Enchanting 18% (附魔18%鎚把手)- 1k
Hammer grips of fortitude(完美堅忍鎚把手) 5k
Fortitude 29hp (堅忍29鎚把手)- 2-3k
Fortitude 28hp (堅忍28鎚把手)- 1k
Hammer grips of hammer mastery (完美鎚術精通鎚把手)3-4k
Hammer mastery +1 19%(鎚術精通19%鎚把手) - 1k
Hammer mastery +1 18%(鎚術精通18%鎚把手)- 1K
Hammer grips of shelter(完美庇護鎚把手;對物理攻擊) 2-5k
Shelter +6 (庇護+6鎚把手;對物理攻擊)- 1K
Hammer grips of warding(完美結界鎚把手;對元素魔法) 2-5k
Warding +6 (結界鎚把手;對元素魔法)- 1K
Barbed bow strings(荊棘弓弦) 1-2k
Crippling bow strings (致殘弓弦)1-2K
Ebon bow strings (黑檀弓弦)2K
Fiery bow strings (火焰弓弦)2k
Icy bow strings (冰凍弓弦)2K
Poisonous bow strings (淬毒弓弦)1k
Shocking bow strings (電擊弓弦)2k
Silencing bow strings (沉默弓弦)4-5k
Sundering bow strings (完美分離弓弦)10-15k
Sundering 19% (分離19%弓弦)- 5k
Sundering 18% (分離18%弓弦)- 2-3k
Vampiric bow strings (吸血鬼弓弦)3-5k
Zealous bow strings (熱望弓弦)4-7k
Bow grips of defense (完美防衛弓握柄)2-5k
Bow grips of enchanting (完美附魔弓握柄)3k
Enchanting 19% (附魔19%弓握柄)- 1k
Enchanting 18% (附魔18%弓握柄)- 1K
Bow grips of fortitude (完美堅忍弓握柄)5-8k
Fortitude 29hp (堅忍29弓握柄)- 3k
Fortitude 28hp (堅忍28弓握柄)- 1k
Bow grips of marksmanship (完美弓術精通弓握柄)3-8k
Marksmanship +1 19% (弓術精通19%弓握柄)- 1k
Marksmanship +1 18% (弓術精通18%弓握柄)- 1K
Bow grips of shelter (完美庇護弓握炳;對物理攻擊)2-5k
Shelter +6 (庇護+6弓握炳;對物理攻擊)- 1K
Bow grips of warding (完美結界弓握炳;對元素魔法)2-5k
Warding +6 (結界弓握炳;對元素魔法)- 1K
Barbed dagger tangs (荊棘匕首刃)2-3k
Crippling dagger tangs (致殘匕首刃)1K
Cruel dagger tangs (殘酷匕首刃)2K
Ebon dagger tangs (黑檀匕首刃)2K
Fiery dagger tangs (火焰匕首刃)2k
Furious dagger tangs (完美狂怒匕首刃)2-4k
Furious 09% - (狂怒9%匕首刃)1K
Icy dagger tangs (冰凍匕首刃)1-2k
Poisonous dagger tangs (淬毒匕首刃)2-3k
Shocking dagger tangs (電擊匕首刃)1-2k
Silencing dagger tangs (沉默匕首刃)2-3k
Sundering dagger tangs (完美分離匕首刃)5-8k
Sundering 19% -(分離19%匕首刃) 2-3k
Vampiric dagger tangs (吸血鬼匕首刃)2k
Zealous dagger tangs (熱望匕首刃)5-8K
Dagger handles of dagger mastery(完美匕首精通匕首握柄) 3-8k
Dagger mastery +1 19% - (匕首精通19%匕首握柄)1k
Dagger mastery +1 18% - (匕首精通18%匕首握柄)1K
Dagger handles of defense (完美防衛匕首握柄)2-5k
Dagger handles of enchanting (完美附魔匕首握柄)3-5k
Enchanting 19% - (附魔19%匕首握柄)1-2k
Enchanting 18% - (附魔18%匕首握柄)1k
Dagger handles of fortitude (完美堅忍匕首握柄)5-8k
Fortitude 29hp -(堅忍29匕首握柄) 1-3k
Fortitude 28hp -(堅忍28匕首握柄)1K
Dagger handles of shelter (完美庇護匕首握柄;對物理攻擊)2-5k
Shelter +6 - (庇護+6匕首握柄;對物理攻擊)1K
Dagger handles of warding (完美結界匕首握柄)2-5k
Warding +6 - (結界+6匕首握柄)1K
Adept staff heads (完美行家法杖頭)4-8K
Adept 19% (行家19%法杖頭)- 1-2k
Defensive staff heads (防衛法杖頭)1K
Hale staff heads (完美堅忍杖柄)3-5k
Hale +29hp (堅忍29杖柄)- 1-2k
Insightful staff heads 2-3k
Swift staff heads 5-15k
Staff wrappings of defense 1K
Staff wrappings of devotion 5-20k
Devotion 44hp - 5-10k
Staff wrappings of enchanting 5-10k
Enchanting 19% - 2k
Enchanting 18% - 1K
Staff wrappings of endurance 2-3k
Staff wrappings of fortitude 5-8k
Fortitude +29hp - 2k
Staff wrappings of mastery 5-20k
Staff wrappings of shelter 2k
Staff wrappings of valor 5-10k
Staff wrappings of warding 2k
New Mods and Inscriptions
Barbed scythe snathes (荊棘鐮刀柄)2k
Crippling scythe snathes (致殘鐮刀柄)2k
Cruel scythe snathes (殘酷鐮刀柄)2k
Ebon scythe snathes (黑檀鐮刀柄)5-8k
Fiery scythe snathes (火焰鐮刀柄)2k
Furious scythe snathes (完美狂怒鐮刀柄)5-10k
Furious 09% - (狂怒9%鐮刀柄)2-3k
Heavy scythe snathes(殘酷鐮刀柄) 1K
Icy scythe snathes (冰凍鐮刀柄)3-5K
Poisonous scythe snathes (淬毒鐮刀柄)2K
Shocking scythe snathes (電擊鐮刀柄)2k
Sundering scythe snathes (完美分離鐮刀柄)15-20k
Sundering 19% - (分離19%鐮刀柄)5-10k
Sundering 18% - (分離18%鐮刀柄)2-3k
Vampiric scythe snathes (吸血鬼鐮刀柄)3-5k
Zealous scythe snathes (熱望鐮刀柄)5-8k
Scythe grips of defense (完美防衛握柄)3-5k
Scythe grips of enchanting (完美附魔握柄)15-20k
Enchanting 19% -(附魔19%握柄)
Enchanting 18% - (附魔18%握柄)3-5k
Scythe grips of fortitude (完美堅忍握柄)10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - (堅忍29握柄)5k
Fortitude 28hp - (堅忍28握柄)3k
Scythe grips of scythe mastery (完美鐮刀精通握柄)3-5k
Scythe Mastery +1 19% -(鐮刀精通19%握柄) 1k
Scythe grips of shelter (完美庇護握柄;對物理攻擊)2-5k
Shelter +6 -(庇護+6握柄;對物理攻擊) 1K
Scythe grips of warding (完美結界握柄;對元素魔法)3-5k
Warding +6 - (結界+6握柄;對元素魔法)1K
Barbed spearheads 1K
Crippling spearheads 1k
Cruel spearheads 1k
Ebon spearheads 1-2k
Fiery spearheads 1-2k
Furious spearheads 5-10k
Furious 09% - 5-10k
Furious 08% - 2-3k
Heavy spearheads 1K
Icy spearheads 1-2K
Poisonous spearheads 1-2k
Shocking spearheads 1-2k
Silencing spearheads 1-2k
Sundering spearheads 10-15k
Sundering 19% - 5k
Sundering 18% - 3k
Vampiric spearheads 5k
Zealous spearheads 5-10k
Spear grips of defense 3-5k
Spear grips of enchanting 5-10k
Enchanting 19% - 3-5k
Spear grips of fortitude 10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 5-8k
Fortitude 28hp - 3k
Spear grips of shelter 2-5k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Spear grips of spear mastery 3-5k
Spear mastery +1 19% - 1k
Spear grips of warding 2-5k
Warding +6 - 1K
Shield Handles
Shield handles of devotion 10-15k
Devotion +44 2-3k
Shield handles of endurance 10-15k
Endurance +44 2-3k
Shield handles of fortitude 10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 5-8k
Shield handles of valor 5-10k
Focus cores of aptitude 5-15k
Focus cores of devotion 5-15k
Focus cores of endurance 1-2k
Focus cores of fortitude 5-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 3-5k
Focus cores of swiftness 3-5k
Focus cores of valor 5-20k
Be just and fear not inscriptions 3-5k
Forget me not inscriptions 30-50k (hard to find)
Forget Me Not 19% - 10-20k
Hail to the king inscriptions 3-5k
Life is pain inscriptions 2k
Man for all seasons inscriptions 3k
Survival of the fittest inscriptions 3-5k
Shield and Focus Inscriptions
Luck of the draw inscriptions 10-15k
Luck of the draw 19% - 3-5k
Run for your life! inscriptions 5-8k
Sheltered by faith inscriptions 3-5k
Sleep now in the fire inscriptions 5-15k+
The riddle of steel inscriptions 7-15k+
Riders on the storm inscriptions 5-10k
Leaf on the wind inscriptions 5-10k
Through thick and thin inscriptions 5-10k
Not the face! inscriptions 5-8k
Like a Rolling Stone inscriptions 5-10k
Master of my domain inscriptions 10-20k
Martial/General Weapon Inscriptions
(I KNOW these aren't all JUST martial... that's what they are only used for though)
I Have The Power! inscriptions 4-7k (Increase in demand from "Caster" swords)
Let The Memory Live Again inscriptions 2-4k
Strength and honor inscriptions -4-7k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Strength and honor 14>50 - 1-2k
Brawn Over Brains inscriptions 2-5k
To The Pain! inscriptions 2-5k
Vengeance is Mine inscriptions 2-5k
Dance with Death inscriptions 2-5k
Spellcasting Weapon Inscriptions
Appitude Not Attitude inscriptions 8-15k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Appitude Not Attitude 19% - 5k
Hale And Hearty inscriptions 3-5k
Have Faith inscriptions 2-3k
Seize The Day inscriptions 7-15k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Don't call it a comeback! inscriptions 3-5k
I am Sorrow inscriptions 3-5k
Ignorance is bliss inscriptions 3-5k
Wand wrappings of memory 3-10k
Memory 19% - 2-5k
Wand wrappings of quickening 2-3k
Don't Think Twice inscriptions - 2-3k
Please give me more feedback on how you buy and sell, much is needed for this, and remind me what i need to add. Thanks!
Aptitude not attitude inscriptions 10-15k
Show me the money inscriptions 1k
Cast out the unclean inscriptions 1-2k
Might makes right inscriptions 1-5k
Riders on the storm inscriptions 5-10k
Guided by fate inscriptions 6-8k (Dervish Users prefer this than 15%^50%)
Faith is my shield inscriptions 3-5k
Soundness of mind inscriptions 1-3k
Fear cuts deeper inscriptions 1-2k
Measure for measure inscriptions 1k
Serenity now inscriptions 3-5k
Live for today inscriptions 5-10k
Let the memory live again inscriptions 2-4k
Life is pain inscriptions 2k
Not the face! inscriptions 5-10k
Nothing to fear inscriptions 3-5k
Run for your life! inscriptions 5-8k
Sheltered by faith inscriptions 3-5k
Spear grips of fortitude 10-20k
Axe grips of pruning 5-10k