


紫色的二氧化硅 | 2023-10-06 14:49:33 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 370


【Common Backpack(一般背包

【Small Backpack(小型背包)(6 Slots, 4 lb)】
  1. Autumn Camo (秋季迷彩)
  2. Black and Blue (黑藍相間)
  3. Black and Green (黑綠相間)
  4. Black and Lime (黑間青檸)
  5. Black and Orange (黑橙相間)
  6. Blue and Orange (藍橙相間)
  7. Blue and White (藍白相間)
  8. Blue (藍色)
  9. Bright Blue (亮藍色)
  10. Bright Green (亮綠色)
  11. Brown and Black (棕黑相間)
  12. Brown and Green (棕綠相間)
  13. Brown and White (棕白相間)
  14. Brown Patterned (棕色幾何紋)
  15. Brown (棕色)
  16. Bumblebee (大黃蜂)
  17. Dark Pink (暗粉色)
  18. Deep Blue (深藍色)
  19. Floral Green (綠色碎花)
  20. Green and Blue (綠藍相間)
  21. Green and Orange (綠橙相間)
  22. Green and Red (綠紅相間)
  23. Green and White (綠白相間)
  24. Houndstooth (千鳥格)
  25. Jet Black (鋼琴黑)
  26. Khaki (卡其色)
  27. Lavender (薰衣草紫)
  28. Leopard Print (豹紋)
  29. Light Grey (淺灰色)
  30. Lime Green (青檸綠)
  31. Lizard Green (蜥蜴綠)
  32. Military (小型軍用背包)
  33. Mixed Blue (雜藍色)
  34. Mixed Green (雜綠色)
  35. Orange and Red (橙紅相間)
  36. Orange (橙色)
  37. Purple and Yellow (紫黃相間)
  38. Raw Sienna (生赭色)
  39. Red and Black (紅黑相間)
  40. Red and White (紅白相間)
  41. Red Plaid (紅色蘇格蘭格紋)
  42. Sky Blue (天藍色)
  43. Steel Grey (鋼鐵灰)
  44. Tan and Teal (古銅間青)
  45. Teal and White (青白色)
  46. Violet and Sea Green (紫羅蘭間海碧色)
  47. White Flecked Camo (迷彩白)
  48. White Plaid (白色蘇格蘭格紋)

【Standard Backpack(中型背包)(7 Slots, 6 lb)】
  1. Albrecht Dürer (阿爾布雷特·丟勒)
  2. Artsy Brown (藝術棕)
  3. Beige (米黃色)
  4. Black with Red Straps (黑底紅帶)
  5. Blue Crossbones (藍海盜骷髏)
  6. Blue Patterned (藍色幾何紋)
  7. Blue (藍色)
  8. Bright Purple (亮紫色)
  9. Brown Patterned (棕色幾何紋)
  10. Brown with Blue Straps (棕底藍帶)
  11. Cute Pink (可愛粉)
  12. Dark Brown (暗棕色)
  13. Dirty Blue (髒藍色)
  14. Dirty Green (髒綠色)
  15. Dirty Yellow (髒黃色)
  16. Floral Blue (藍色碎花)
  17. Forest Green (森林綠)
  18. Green Camouflage (迷彩綠)
  19. Green Plaid (綠色蘇格蘭格紋)
  20. Green (綠色)
  21. Grey and Red (灰紅相間)
  22. Grey Python (灰蟒)
  23. Grey Striped (灰色條紋)
  24. Grey with Red Straps (灰底紅帶)
  25. Hot Pink Leopard (艷粉豹)
  26. Hot Pink (艷粉色)
  27. Houndstooth (千鳥格)
  28. Indigo (靛藍色)
  29. Jet Black (鋼琴黑)
  30. Orange (橙色)
  31. Purple and Blue (紫藍相間)
  32. Raw Sienna (生赭色)
  33. Red Gingham (紅方格紋)
  34. Red with White Straps (紅底白帶)
  35. Red (紅色)
  36. Tan Stripes (古銅色背帶)
  37. Three Color (三色)
  38. Turquoise (綠松石色)
  39. Very Red (非常紅)
  40. Violet Plaid (紫羅蘭色蘇格蘭格紋)
  41. White Flecked Camo (迷彩白)
  42. White with Blue Straps (白底藍帶)
  43. White (白色)
  44. Yellow and Brown (黃棕相間)
  45. Yellow Polka-Dot (黃色波點)
  46. Zebra (斑馬)

【Large Backpack(大型背包)(8 Slots, 12 lb)】
  1. Albrecht Dürer (阿爾布雷特·丟勒)
  2. Black and Pink (黑粉相間)
  3. Black Crossbones (黑海盜骷髏)
  4. Blue Alba (艾爾芭藍)
  5. Blue and Gold (黑金相間)
  6. Blue and Orange (藍橙相間)
  7. Blue Gingham (藍方格紋)
  8. Blue Striped (藍條紋)
  9. Blue (藍色)
  10. Bright Blue (亮藍色)
  11. Bright Green (亮綠色)
  12. Bright Orange (亮橙色)
  13. Brown with Skull (棕底骷髏紋)
  14. Brown (棕色)
  15. Bumblebee (大黃蜂)
  16. Darkest Grey ()
  17. Drab Blue (暗藍色)
  18. Dull Yellow ()
  19. Eucalyptus (灰色蘇格蘭格紋)
  20. Forest Green (森林綠)
  21. Gold (金色)
  22. Golden Camo (迷彩金)
  23. Green and Brown (綠棕相間)
  24. Green (綠色)
  25. Grey Plaid (灰色蘇格蘭格紋)
  26. Hieronymus Bosch (耶羅尼米斯·博斯)
  27. Houndstooth (千鳥格)
  28. Khaki (卡其色)
  29. Light Blue (淺藍色)
  30. Light Grey (淺灰色)
  31. Lime Green (青檸綠)
  32. Neon Yellow (熒光黃)
  33. Orange (橙色)
  34. Pink Cat (粉紅貓)
  35. Pink (粉色)
  36. Purple (紫色)
  37. Raw Sienna (生赭色)
  38. Red and Black (紅黑相間)
  39. Red Gingham (紅方格紋)
  40. Red-Orange (紅橙色)
  41. Violet Patterned (紫羅蘭幾何紋)
  42. Violet (紫羅蘭色)
  43. White and Black (白黑相間)
  44. White Flecked Camo (迷彩白)
  45. White (白色)
  46. Zebra (斑馬色)

【Ultralight Backpack(超輕型背包)(6 Slots, 0.1 lb)】
  1. Army Green ()
  2. Autumn Camo (秋季迷彩)
  3. Beige (米黃色)
  4. Black and Blue (黑藍相間)
  5. Black and Orange (黑橙相間)
  6. Black and Red (黑紅相間)
  7. Black and White (黑白相間)
  8. Black Crossbones (黑海盜骷髏)
  9. Black (黑色)
  10. Brown and Orange (棕橙相間)
  11. Blue and Black (藍黑相間)
  12. Blue and White (藍白相間)
  13. Brown Patterned (棕色幾何紋)
  14. Bumblebee (大黃蜂)
  15. Crazy Plaid (扭曲蘇格蘭格紋)
  16. Dark Purple (暗紫色)
  17. Green and Orange (綠橙相間)
  18. Green and Yellow (綠黃相間)
  19. Green Camouflage (迷彩綠)
  20. Grey and Blue (灰藍相間)
  21. Grey Star ()
  22. Indigo (靛藍色)
  23. Khaki (卡其色)
  24. Light Blue (淺藍色)
  25. Orange and White (橙白相間)
  26. Orange (橙色)
  27. Peach ()
  28. Pink Leopard (粉紅豹)
  29. Purple and Orange (紫橙相間)
  30. Purple and Yellow (紫黃相間)
  31. Red and Black (紅黑相間)
  32. Red and Tan (紅間古銅)
  33. Red Plaid (紅色蘇格蘭格紋)
  34. Red (紅色)
  35. Sea Green (海碧色)
  36. Sky Blue (天藍色)
  37. Turquoise and Blue (綠松石間藍)
  38. Turquoise (綠松石色)
  39. White and Black (白黑相間)
  40. White Patterned (白色幾何紋)
  41. White #1 (白色#1)
  42. White #2 (白色#2)
  43. Yellow (黃色)

【Hiking Backpack(登山背包)(8 Slots, 8 lb)】
  1. Beige (米黃色)
  2. Black and White (黑白相間)
  3. Blue and Green (藍綠色)
  4. Blue and Red (藍相間)
  5. Blue and Yellow (藍黃相間)
  6. Blue Dianne (黛青色)
  7. Blue Green (藍綠色)
  8. Blue Grey (藍灰色)
  9. Bright Blue (亮藍色)
  10. Bright Green (亮綠色)
  11. Brown Camouflage (迷彩棕)
  12. Burnt Umber (焦赭色)
  13. Dark Grey and Red (深灰間紅)
  14. Dark Grey (深灰色)
  15. Dark Purple (深紫色)
  16. Fiery Orange (熱情橙)
  17. Green and Black (綠黑相間)
  18. Green and Red (相間)
  19. Green Biohazard (生化綠)
  20. Green Camouflage (迷彩綠)
  21. Grey and Copper (灰銅相間)
  22. Grey and Red (灰紅相間)
  23. Indigo (靛藍色)
  24. Khaki and Purple ()
  25. Maroon and Yellow (褐紅間黃)
  26. Navy and Brown (海軍藍間棕)
  27. Neon Green (熒光綠)
  28. Orange and Blue (橙藍相間)
  29. Orange (橙色)
  30. Pink and White (粉白相間)
  31. Pink (粉色)
  32. Purple and Orange (紫橙相間)
  33. Purple and White (紫白相間)
  34. Purple and Yellow (紫黃相間)
  35. Purple Monster (怪獸紫)
  36. Red and Black (紅黑相間)
  37. Red and Teal (紅青相間)
  38. Red and White (紅白相間)
  39. Red and Yellow (紅黃相間)
  40. Sea Green (海碧色)
  41. Skulleagle (骷髏鷹)
  42. Sky Blue (天藍色)
  43. Tan (古銅色)
  44. Teal and Blue (青藍相間)
  45. White and Black (白黑相間)
  46. White Flecked Camo (迷彩白)
  47. Yellow and Blue (黃藍相間)
  48. Yellow and Teal (黃青相間)
  49. Yellow with Star ()
  50. Yellow (黃色)

【Unique Backpack(特殊背包

  1. Army-Issue (Green Camouflage, 8 slots, 7.5 lb) (部隊配給背包)
  2. Large Military (Camo, 8 slots, 12 lb) (軍用大型背包)
  3. Military Hiking (Camo, 8 slots, 8 lb) (軍用登山背包)
  4. Network Hiking (Network, 8 slots, 8 lb) (天網登山背包)
  5. Network Ultralight (Network, 6 slots, 0.1 lb) (天網超輕背包)
  6. Red Talon Elite (Red Talon, 8 slots, 8 lb) (紅爪精英包)
  7. Red Talon Hiking (Red Talon, 8 slots, 8 lb) (紅爪背包登山)
  8. Red Talon Large (Red Talon, 8 slots, 12 lb) (背包大型背包)
  9. Red Talon Ultralight (Red Talon, 6 slots, 0.1 lb) (紅爪超輕背包)
  10. Small Military (Camo, 6 slots, 6 lb) (小型標準背包)
  11. Standard Military (Camo, 7 slots, 6 lb) (標準背包)
  12. Standard Network (Network, 7 slots, 6 lb) (天網標準背包)
  13. Ultralight Military (Camo, 6 slots, 0.1 lb) (超輕軍用背包)

Bounty Broker(賞金代理人)
  1. Bug Out Pack (Orange Camo, 8 slots, 8 lb, Go Bag Pack) (橙色迷彩)
  2. Daypack (Competition, 7 slots, 1 lb, Trifecta Pack) (競賽)
  3. Daypack (Filigree, 7 slots, 1 lb, Trifecta Pack) (金銀花絲)
  4. Daybreak (Hard Candy, 7 slots, 1 lb, Trifecta Pack) (硬糖)

  1. Brock's Odd-Smelling Backpack (布洛克的異味背包)
  2. Chavez's Red Talon Backpack (查韋斯的紅爪背包)
  3. Diana's Special Backpack (戴安娜的特製背包)
  4. Fiona's Small Backpack (菲奧娜的小型背包)
  5. Helena's Small Backpack (海倫娜的小型背包)
  6. Isaac's Small Backpack (艾薩克的小型背包)
  7. Keesha’s Small Backpack (契莎的小型背包)
  8. Larisse's Red Backpack (拉莉絲的紅色背包)
  9. Logan's Army Backpack (洛根的軍用背包)
  10. Malik's Favorite Backpack (馬利克的摯愛背包)
  11. Quincy's Old Backpack (昆西的老舊背包)
  12. Reba's Ultralight Pack (瑞芭的超輕背包)
  13. Vic's Small Backpack (維克的小型背包)


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