

解生(regulation of energy metabolism and growth)

可以 | 2023-06-24 10:17:26 | 巴幣 4 | 人氣 121

Catabolized for energy分解成小分子並釋出能量→肌肉收縮、運輸、分泌

carbohydrates enter cells via glucose transporters

Urea (NH3 is converted by the liver to urea

Triglycerides (major form) 脂質通常是以三酸甘油酯的方式被人體所攝取
Lipids circulate in blood as lipoproteins以脂蛋白的形式在血液中循環

人體的脂蛋白以它的密度高低可分成五種:乳糜蛋白 (chylomicron)、極低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)、低密度脂蛋白 (LDL),中密度脂蛋白(IDL)與高密度脂蛋白(HDL)。
脂質蛋白就好像輪船一樣,而膽固醇與中性脂肪就好像坐在輪 船裡面的乘客。其中輸送膽固醇最主要的輪船是LDL和HDL。
VLDL將肝中的三酸甘油脂(TG)運出 →避免造成脂肪肝 →運出油脂給其他組織利用

HDL scavenges extra cholesterol and is associated with decreased cardiovascular disease. High LDL levels are an indicator or elevated cardiovascular disease risk.

Triglycerides → monoglyceride + 2 fatty acids

當肌肉活動所需 的能源-肝醣耗盡時,脂肪組織會分解中性脂肪成為游離脂肪酸來充當能源 使用。所以,游離脂肪酸(free fatty acid) 可說是進行持久活動所需的物質

Energy output: heat (60%) + work (40%)

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) = rate of energy expenditure of a person awake, resting, lying down, who has fasted for 12 hours

During the absorptive state (anabolic state): energy is stored in macromolecules吸收期是胃腸道充滿食物並且合成代謝超過分解代謝的時期
During the postabsorptive state (catabolic state ): these energy stores are mobilized動員。分解代謝超過合成代謝的時期

Excess nutrients taken up will be stored多餘的營養將被儲存
? Liver and muscle store glycogen (肝醣)
? Adipose tissue stores triglycerides (三酸甘油酯)

酮體主要是在肝臟細胞中的粒線體中生成。發生生酮作用是對血液中葡萄糖濃度低下 或是細胞中的碳水化合物儲備(如肝糖)耗盡情況下作出做出的一種反應。接下來, 酮體的生成作用便啟動以使儲存在脂肪酸中的能量釋放出來。通常發生在人體在飢餓 、禁食或某些病理狀態(如糖尿病)之下由肝臟分解脂肪產生的化合物。

Factors affecting insulin secretion:
  1. Increased glucose in plasma
  2. Increased amino acids in plasma
  3. Parasympathetic nervous system
  4. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) 葡萄糖依賴性促胰島素勝肽& glucagon-like polypeptide 1 (GLP-1)昇糖素類似勝肽

Gastric inhibitory peptide(GIP)由小腸的K cell所分泌,主要是被脂肪與葡萄糖所刺激分泌,可以抑制胃部的運動(需大 量GIP才會作用)與增加insulin的分泌,所以又稱為葡萄糖依賴型胰島素釋放勝肽。

腸 泌 素 (incretin)-昇 糖 素 類 似 勝 肽 (glucagon-like peptide 1, 簡 稱 GLP-1),是由遠端迴腸 (distal ileum) 及部分大腸 (colon) 所分泌的腸道荷爾蒙。食物會刺激 GLP-1由腸道分 泌,進而根據血中葡萄糖濃度的上升程度,促進胰臟β cells 之insulin分泌,抑制胰臟α cells之glucagon的分泌,以調節 降低 血中葡萄糖濃度。  

GLP-1及GIP皆可使細胞內[c-AMP]↑→ ↑胰臟 β細胞合成→ ↑ Insulin分泌→ ↑組織細胞對葡萄糖吸收

葡萄糖新生作用指的是非碳水化合 物(乳酸、丙酮酸 、甘油等)轉變為 葡萄糖的過程。糖 質新生保證有機體 的血糖水平處於正 常水平。糖質新生 的主要器官是肝臟

Actions of glucose on insulin secretion:
  1. Glucose is in high concentration outside the cell and moves into the cell via facilitated diffusion. GLUT2 促進glucose進入細胞
  2. Glucose is converted to pyruvate through glycolysis and enters the mitochondrial matrix.在細胞質內磷酸化並代 謝成丙酮酸
  3. Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the mitochondrial matrix, which releases ATP into the cytosol.氧化磷酸化
  4. ATP then acts as a ligand and binds to ATP-selective K+ channels, causing the channels to close and blocking K+ movement out of the cell.
  5. Blocked K+ movement causes depolarization of the cell membrane.
  6. Depolarization opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and calcium enters the cell.
  7. Calcium triggers insulin release by exocytosis (胞吐作用).鈣離子經過胞吐作用刺激胰島素的分泌

GLUT2 by liver and pancreatic β cells:被glucose刺激後產生鉀離子 通道 (potassium ion channel) 關閉,造成鈣離子通道 (calcium ion channel) 開啟,之後就會促成胰島素被釋出。  

GLUT4 by only muscle and adipose tissue,一開始位於細胞質的儲 存囊泡中,胰島素與其受體結合後,依序啟動許多蛋白質活化並 使GLUT4轉位至細胞膜上,使葡萄糖進入細胞迅速調節血糖,達 到攝食後降低血糖的效果,是胰島素依賴 (insulin dependent)。

Core temperature region: thoracic, abdominal cavities, cranium, and the most proximal areas of the limbs

White blood cells secrete pyrogens白血細胞分泌熱原
發燒大都為發炎反應之病理現象,也是啟動免疫系統的表徵。熱原(pyrogens) 泛指一切所有會引起人體或動物體溫升高的物質。

Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGFs)
GH stimulates IGF release from liver and other cells
IGF-1: after birth出生後的生長
IGF-2: gestation 妊娠期的生長

Osteoblasts = bone makers (deposition)成骨細胞
Osteoclasts = bone breakers (resorption)蝕骨細胞
Osteocytes = bone maintainers
osteogenic cell → osteoblast →分泌matrix (結晶物) → osteocyte
硬骨的生長需要 osteoclast 與 osteoblast的協同才能達到目的。

  1. 具2~50 個核,細胞貼在被吸收之骨頭表面,為monocytes (單核球) 融合而成之multinucleated giant cell(多核巨大細胞)
  2. 富含粒線體、lysosomes(溶小體)、vacuoles(液胞)
  3. 3. 朝向骨頭的側表面有ruffled border(皺褶緣),可增加表面積, 可增加分解骨頭的速度,與bone remodeling (骨重組)有關

Resorption of bone
  1. Osteoclasts secrete acid and enzymes蝕骨細胞分泌酸性物質與酵素
  2. Acid dissolves calcium phosphate crystals酸溶解磷酸鈣晶體
  3. Enzymes degrade osteoid酵素分解骨基質
  4. Calcium and phosphate are released into blood鈣和磷酸鹽釋放到血液中

Bone growth
  • Increase in width寬度增加
  1. Osteoblasts lay down new bone on outer surface成骨細胞在外表面沉積新骨
  2. Osteoclasts resorb bone in inner surface of cavity蝕骨細胞吸收骨腔內表面的骨
  3. Minimizes weight gain減少體重增加
  • Increase in length:Osteoblasts lay down new bone at epiphyseal plates成骨細胞在骨骺板上放下新骨

