發售年: 2017年
遊戲開發公司: Parabole
攻略遊戲版本: PS5
100%獎盃數: 共36個。
線上獎盃: 無
DLC獎盃: 無
100%獎盃難度評價: 2.5/10 很簡單
= [1]╳25% + [2]╳25% + [3]╳50%
= 3╳25% + 5╳25% + 1╳50%
= 0.75 + 1.25 + 0.5
= 2.5
[1]操作技術難度: 3/10 簡單
[2]關卡設計難度 5/10 中等
[3]花費時間難度: 1/10 很簡單
→ 第二輪
[註1]照影片到General Stores要把EMPTY GAS CAN充滿那邊,我沒出現像影片中的可以充滿的FULL UP GAS CAN指令,看影片留言好像是BUG,可以等到PART5還有一個可以充滿。
1.Sorry, eh?: In typical Canadian fashion, Carl left $10 for the cutoff chain. [銅1]
2.Rendezvous: Reach the General Store. [銅2]
3.Photographer: Take a picture needed for the investigation. [銅3]
4.Last Stand: Complete Gilles Lachance's vision. [銅4]
5.Frosty Relationship: Complete Gisèle Lachance's vision. [銅5]
6.Nature Lover: Get rid of wolves without killing. [銅6]
7.Jeweller: Find three talismans. [銅7]
8.Cozy ambiance: Light a dark area with the lantern. [銅8]
9.Winter is Coming: Find a winter coat to keep you warm. [銅9]
10.Journey in the Hereafter: Complete Jean-Guy Lamothe's vision. [銅10]
11.Astronaut: Activate the spaceship. [銀1]
12.S.O.S.: Send a radio message with a big antenna. [銅11]
13.Mechanic: Repair the snowmobile. [銀2]
14.Talismaniac!: Find all talismans. [銀3]
15.Lost Cause: Complete Réjean Blouin's vision. [銅12]
16.Revolution!: Find the rifle. [銅13]
17.KABOOM!: Clear the boulders near the Lachances' house. [銅14]
18.Fall of the Wall: Get rid of the ice wall. [銀4]
19.Treasure Hunter: Collect the 10 letters from Martin Blais' treasure hunt. [銀5]
20.Reader: Find all documents. [銀6]
21.The Hunt: Find all crossbow bolts. [銀7]
22.Carl the Explorer: Find every house and cabin in the village. [銀8]
23.Chess Master: End the unfinished chess games. [銀9]
24.Marshmallows: Find all campfires in the wild. [銀10]
25.Paparazzi: Take all pictures needed for the investigation. [金1]
26.The Murderer: Find Hamilton's killer. [銀11]
27. Carl Faubert, Private Investigator: Find all evidence tied to Hamilton's death.[銅15]
28.Vegan: Throw a steak at a strange creature. [銅16]
29.Firearms Registry: Complete the game without firing any firearms shot. [金2]
30.Pink lungs: Complete the game without smoking any cigarettes. [銀12]
31.Prohibition: Complete the game without drinking any alcohol.[銀13]
32.A Mari Usque Ad Mare: Complete the game. [金3]
[註3]重入遊戲,選THE NORTHERN FOREST紀錄點,照PART8影片做。
33.A star in the night: Shoot a flare at night. [銅17]
34.Bulletproof: Shoot the Wendigo with the rifle. [銅18]
35.Onwards on foot!: Complete the game without using vehicles (past the Store). [金4]
36.Hall of Fame!: Unlock every trophy. [白金]
FIN ^ ^