Thecreation of the world as we know it today is steeped in both legend and myth.
Itis said that the First Witch baked a gigantic cookie, only to drop it into thesugary seas by accident. The giant cookie splashed into the waters, splittinginto many pieces, and slowly rose back up to the surface. Ever since, the Cookiesand other dessert creatures have thrived on the giant continent: Earthbread.
Picnicof the Gods
Talesalso reveal the beginnings of Earthbread’s diverse flora. Eons before the firstbatch of Cookie dough was mixed, gods of celestial light and radiance, wielders
ofcosmic powers, had visited this world for a picnic of sweets and desserts.After a relaxing picnic, they vanished, leaving all the desserts behind. Asmillennia passed, the leftovers dissolved into the waters and doughy soil ofthe continent. And as life always finds a way, so too did the desserts. Theyrenewed into vast growths of vegetation, even carving the mountain ranges thatadorn Earthbread today.
AfternoonTea Set
Thereis a theory that tea set of the celestial picnickers serves as the foundationof
Theworld. The world itself lies atop the afternoon tea set’s tray, crafted bywielders of
Cosmicpower. The primary belief states the three-tiered tray consists of thefollowing.
TheCookies and Witches inhabit the middle tray. The top tray, abundant withJellies
Andsweets, is where good and pure-hearted desserts ascend. Horrors and ferociouscreatures occupy the bottom tray, a land of fire and innumerous ovens.
Birthof the Cookies
Theorigins of the Cookies remain a mystery. It is commonly believed that each
Cookieis born inside a Witch’s oven. Yet some claim that Cookies can create othercookies.
Cookiesof times beyond memory used to mix little specks of their own dough with
LifePowder and bake it in special ovens enchanted with a spell of Life. Rarely,very rarely, the powers of Life would spring forth, giving birth to babycookies. The Witches, fearful of the Cookies being able to control Life Magic,took away the ovens.
Theforbade such creation of Life and only allowed children to those who remainedtheir faithful subjects…