What It Means
Suborn means "to persuade (someone) to do something illegal (such as to lie in a court of law)." It can also mean "to obtain (false testimony) from a witness by persuasion."
Suborn 的意思是“說服(某人)做一些非法的事情(例如在法庭上撒謊)”。它也可以表示“通過說服從證人那裡獲得(虛假證詞)”。
// The lawyer attempted to suborn the witness.
// The prosecutor was guilty of suborning false testimony.
"Because suborning perjury is not a mistake, nor is suppressing evidence. These acts are intentional." — Melinda Henneberger, The Kansas City Star, 13 Nov. 2020
“因為教唆偽證不是一個錯誤,也不是掩埋證據。這些行為是有意的。” — Melinda Henneberger,堪薩斯城之星,2020.11.13
Did You Know?
Suborn is from Latin subornare, which translates literally as "to secretly furnish or equip." The sub- that brings the "secretly" meaning to subornare more commonly means "under" or "below," but it has its stealthy meaning in the etymologies of several other English words, including surreptitious (from sub- and rapere, meaning "to seize") and the verb suspect (from sub- or sus- and specere, meaning "to look at"). The ornare (meaning "to furnish") of subornare is also at work in the words ornate, adorn, and ornament.
Suborn 來自拉丁文的 subornare,字面上是“秘密提供或賦予”。sub - 帶來的“暗自”比起 subornare 更常用的手段“往下”或“底下”,但它在其他幾個英語單詞,包括詞源它的隱身含義(從 sub- 和 rapere ,意為“抓住“)和動詞 suspect(從 sub- 或 sus 和 specere ,意思是”看“)。該 ornare(意為“提供”、裝飾和點綴。
今天來講 spect ( 看 ) ,像上面例子的 suspect ,ex ( 往外 ) /(s)pect ,往外看的衍生義是 期待:預期,以及 spect / ula ( 部分 ) /ate ( 動詞 ) ,看見部份的將來就是-預測;猜測;投機。