

【自翻譯】FNV 米歇爾醫生對玩家S.P.E.C.I.A.L數值反應

米鹿姆 | 2021-06-19 14:16:07 | 巴幣 4 | 人氣 480



  Attribute Extreme                                                                                Comment
Strength Low "That's some serious atrophy, even for someone who's been in bed awhile.
It's a wonder you can move at all.
High "Surprised anybody'd want to tangle with you. Heck, you could go deathclaw hunting with a switch."
Perception Low "Now I ain't no optometrist, but maybe we should fit you for some glasses while you're here."
High "Nothing gets by you, huh? Coulda used you when I lost my keys last month."
Endurance Low "I just don't get it. A stiff breeze'd tear you in two but a couple of bullets and you're right as rain."
High "I guess that explains how you're still alive. You're built solid as an oak."
Charisma Low "Huh. Must be some frontal lobe damage."
High "Good to see them bullets didn't affect your charm none."
Intelligence Low "Sorry, son/little lady. I fixed up your head as best I knew how. I guess I missed a spot."
High "Look at that. Maybe them bullets done your brain some good."
Agility Low "Don't have all your coordination back yet, looks like. You should think about doing some rehab."
High "Most patients don't get out of bed after being shot and then move like they was in perfect control.
You're unusual, I'll say that.
Luck Low "Now that don't make a lick of sense. Seems to me you're the luckiest son-of-a-gun in New Vegas."
High "With Luck like yours I'm surprised them bullets didn't just turn right around and climb back into the gun."
All None "Yep, that's a pretty standard score there. But after what you been through, I'd say that's great news.

     屬性   極端                                                                   評論
力量 Low 即使對於已經臥床一段時間的人來說,那也是嚴重的萎縮。你還能動真是個奇蹟。
High 想不到有人會糾纏你。見鬼,你可以用一根鞭子去獵殺死亡爪。
感知 Low 我不是驗光師,但也許我們該給你配幾副眼鏡。
High 什麼都逃不過你的眼睛,是吧?當我上個月丟鑰匙的時候,本來能利用你的。
耐力 Low 我就是不明白。一陣狂風就能把你撕成兩半,但幾顆子彈,你卻完全沒事。
High 我想這解釋了你為什麼還活著。你的身體像橡樹一樣結實。
魅力 Low 嗯......額葉肯定有些損傷
High 很高興看到那些子彈絲毫沒有影響到你的魅力。


Low 對不起,孩子/女士。我盡我所能把你的腦袋治好了。我想我漏掉了一點。
High 看看這個,也許這些子彈對你的大腦有好處。
敏捷 Low 看起來你的協調能力還沒有完全恢復。你應該考慮做一些康復訓練。
High 大多數患者在中槍後不會下床,然後像在完美控制下一樣移動。我得說,你很不尋常。
幸運 Low 這一點道理也沒有。在我看來,你是新維加斯最幸運的人。
High 以你這樣的運氣,我很驚訝他們的子彈竟然沒有轉身回到槍裡。
平均數值 None 是的,這是一個相當標準的分數。但在你經歷了這些之後,我得說這是個好消息。



