You have forsaken, all the love you've taken 你放棄了,曾經生死不顧之真愛
Sleepin' on a razor, There's nowhere left to fall 墮落地獄一角,睡在刀鋒之上,無處逃遁,無可存身
Your body's aching 你承受身體撕裂之痛
Every bone is breakin 任其一寸寸粉身碎骨
Nothin' seems to shake it 無生念,無死念,無解脫念,心如灰燼
It just keeps holdin' on燒起你心中本初的那團火吧!
Your soul is able 靈魂是你終極力量
Death is all you cradle 死亡是你親密歸宿
Sleepin' on the nails,There's nowhere left to fall 此刻你雖睡在釘板之上,無處逃遁,無可存身
You have admired 可莫忘記你心有情懷
Every man desires 每一個人都去饑渴追逐偉大夢想
Everyone is king 每一條漢子都是一尊桀驁不馴的王
When there's no one left to pawn 當無人稱臣跪倒之時
There is no peace here 這世界將再沒有和平
War is never cheap dear那就讓我們轟轟烈烈戰鬥吧,親愛的
Love will never meet here 這裡將不會再不會有善良、真愛、仁義誕生
It just gets sold for parts 它們只會被按價出賣
You cannot fight it 你不願去做這些,不願成為這樣的人
All the world denies it 整個世界被你拒在心門千里之外,你只願蹲在地獄一角,不為人知,心如灰燼
Open up your eyelids 但是,兄弟,睜大你的狗眼吧!看看這是什麼世界!
Let your demons run 讓心裡的狂暴邪念橫行無忌吧,你將撒旦拽下雲彩,生吞活剝!
I thread the needle through 我燃燒身體,去贏取自由自在!
You beat the devil's tattoo 你擂響魔鬼之鼓,為鮮血與殘肢而歌!
I thread the needle through 我燃燒身體,去贏取自由自在!
You beat the devil's tattoo 你擂響魔鬼之鼓,為鮮血與殘肢而歌!
I thread the needle through 我燃燒身體,去贏取自由自在!
You beat the devil's tattoo 你擂響魔鬼之鼓,為鮮血與殘肢而歌!
Sleepin' on a razor, There's nowhere left to fall 墮落地獄一角,睡在刀鋒之上,無處逃遁,無可存身
Your body's aching 你承受身體撕裂之痛
Every bone is breakin 任其一寸寸粉身碎骨
Nothin' seems to shake it 無生念,無死念,無解脫念,心如灰燼
It just keeps holdin' on燒起你心中本初的那團火吧!
Your soul is able 靈魂是你終極力量
Death is all you cradle 死亡是你親密歸宿
Sleepin' on the nails,There's nowhere left to fall 此刻你雖睡在釘板之上,無處逃遁,無可存身
You have admired 可莫忘記你心有情懷
Every man desires 每一個人都去饑渴追逐偉大夢想
Everyone is king 每一條漢子都是一尊桀驁不馴的王
When there's no one left to pawn 當無人稱臣跪倒之時
There is no peace here 這世界將再沒有和平
War is never cheap dear那就讓我們轟轟烈烈戰鬥吧,親愛的
Love will never meet here 這裡將不會再不會有善良、真愛、仁義誕生
It just gets sold for parts 它們只會被按價出賣
You cannot fight it 你不願去做這些,不願成為這樣的人
All the world denies it 整個世界被你拒在心門千里之外,你只願蹲在地獄一角,不為人知,心如灰燼
Open up your eyelids 但是,兄弟,睜大你的狗眼吧!看看這是什麼世界!
Let your demons run 讓心裡的狂暴邪念橫行無忌吧,你將撒旦拽下雲彩,生吞活剝!
I thread the needle through 我燃燒身體,去贏取自由自在!
You beat the devil's tattoo 你擂響魔鬼之鼓,為鮮血與殘肢而歌!
I thread the needle through 我燃燒身體,去贏取自由自在!
You beat the devil's tattoo 你擂響魔鬼之鼓,為鮮血與殘肢而歌!
I thread the needle through 我燃燒身體,去贏取自由自在!
You beat the devil's tattoo 你擂響魔鬼之鼓,為鮮血與殘肢而歌!