Bleeping Computer追蹤這些ID之後,揭露除了Web Security之外,還有與Web Security同樣隸屬於Creative Software Solutions的Browser Security、Browser Privacy與Browser Safety,以及Popup Blocker、Quick AMZ、YTTools、FBTools、DirtyLittleHelpers與CSS IO等外掛程式都已被下架。
Collection of access data and records (logfiles)Any access to our servers is subject to our legitimate interest within themeaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR, corresponding data (so-called serverlog files), including date and time, amount of data, name of the accessedwebsite, success report on the call, the operating system including browsertype and version, the previously visited websites, the IP address and theprovider. For the purpose of fraud or misuse the logfile information isstored for security reasons for a maximum of seven days and then deleted oranaymized. If certain data is necessary for evidence purposes, the deletionwill be postponed until the final clarification of the incident.