

【自我流翻譯】#4. The "Ghost Blimp" Crew

N27 | 2015-03-27 20:05:53 | 巴幣 6 | 人氣 174



#4. The "Ghost Blimp" Crew

Blimps are kind of the fat, slow-moving Rascal scooters of the sky, so Lieutenant Ernest Cody and Ensign Charles Adams probably felt like they were in for a relaxing balloon ride when they were assigned blimp patrol duty on August 16, 1942. Right up until they freaking disappeared without a trace from inside their completely undamaged L-8 airship.

飛艇,是種大型、且在天空中緩慢移動的路霸。中尉 Ernest Cody 及少尉 Charles Adams 在1942年8月16日被指派執行飛艇巡邏任務,兩人可能認為是段愉快輕鬆的航行,直到他們從毫無損傷的 L-8 飛艇上不著痕跡的消失。

Shortly after setting out of San Francisco towards the Farallon Islands, the two sailors radioed in about an oil spill that they were going to investigate. A few hours later, their L-8 was spotted off course over Daly City, where, after sideswiping a few houses, it came crashing down. Bystanders rushed into the cockpit of the gondola ... only to find that no one was on board.

從舊金山出發,朝著法拉隆群島航進後不久,這兩位船員透過無線電回報他們將前去調查漏油的狀況。幾個小時後 L-8 偏離了航道,在行經達利城時,側擊撞毀了幾棟房屋後墜地。路人衝進飛船駕駛艙內…僅發現船內空無一人。

  • 法拉隆群島:位於美國舊金山近海。鯨、海豹、鯊魚和多種海鳥的棲息地,現已成立野生動物保護區。1946年到1970年間,其附近海域成為核廢料堆放處。
From Wikipedia

"We've checked, there's nothing inside except a lot of loose fur from what appears to be a Sasquatch."


  • Sasquatch:同 Bigfoot,又稱大腳或北美野人,是一種未知的靈長類生物,出現在北美洲民俗學中,牠們棲息在偏遠的叢林中,主要範圍在美國太平洋西北地區與加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞等地區。大腳怪有時被描述成是一種體型巨大,毛茸茸的猿人。
From Wikipedia

It Gets Weirder:
Naturally, the Navy investigated the hell out of the matter, only to find that no lifeboats or parachutes were missing from the ship. In fact, besides a few absent life jackets and the door being stuck open, everything was in perfect order. The engine and radio were both humming along nicely, and there was no sign of a struggle. Could the Japanese have captured Cody and Adams after they descended to inspect the oil spill? Did they both accidentally fall out while making emergency repairs to the ship? If so, what were they repairing?

理所當然地,海軍勢必得調查清楚事件始末,卻也只發現船上的救生艇或降落傘完整不動。事實上,除了少數不見的救生衣、卡死的門之外,船內一切井然有序。引擎和無線電無異常地嘶嘶作響,除此之外,沒有任何掙扎的跡象。有可能是日本人在他們前去調查漏油時,挾持了 Cody 和 Adams 嗎?有可能在進行緊急修復飛船時,偶然間起了爭執嗎?如果正是如此,那麼他們修理的是什麼?

"Her boobs could be a little bit bigger ..."
"Good call, sir."


It wound up going down as one of the strangest mysteries of World War II, and over time, it has earned the missing crew's ship the eerie/hilarious nickname of "Ghost Blimp." Now, obviously there are certain people in the readership whose mind immediately went to "UFO abduction," and that's only slightly stranger than our theory (Nazi Rocketeers!), but as with all of the examples on this list, every possible scenario boggles the imagination. Did the two men open the door and just ... jump to their deaths? Why? We'll literally never, ever know.

Or maybe it'll turn out to be the work of the same flying apparitions who took ...



[1] 感謝翻譯提供:醬汁C

