You change your mind 你三心二意 婆婆媽媽 Like a girl changes clothes 像女人挑衣服挑半天 Yeah you, PMS 你像個娘們 Like a bitch 像個賤人 I would know 我早該知道 And you over think 你想太多 Always speak 說話總是 Crypticly 沒頭沒腦 I should know 我早該知道 That you're no good for me 跟你在一起準沒好事
{CHORUS} Cause you're hot then you're cold 因為你忽冷忽熱 You're yes then you're no 反反覆覆 You're in then you're out 畏畏縮縮 You're up then you're down 陰晴不定 You're wrong when it's right 顛三倒四 It's black and it's white 是非不分 We fight, we break up 從爭吵 到分手 We kiss, we make up 從親吻 到復合 (you)You don't really want to stay, no 你並不是真心想留下來 (but you)But you don't really want to go-o 但你也不是真心想離開 You're hot then you're cold 因為你忽冷忽熱 You're yes then you're no 反反覆覆 You're in and you're out 畏畏縮縮 You're up and you're down 陰晴不定
We used to be 我們曾經 Just like twins 像雙胞胎 So in sync 舉手投足 充滿默契 The same energy 我們曾經 情投意合 Now's a dead battery 現在卻 完全沒Feel Used to laugh bout nothing 我們曾經 臭味相投 Now your plain boring 現在卻 瞎到爆 I should know that 我早該知道 You're not gonna change 你還是死性不改
Someone call the doctor 誰來救救我啊 Got a case of a love bi-polar 我卡在兩極化的愛情裡 Stuck on a roller coaster 像被困在雲霄飛車 Can't get off this ride 下不了車
You change your mind 你三心二意 婆婆媽媽 Like a girl changes clothes 像女人挑衣服挑半天