作者:be Gentle be Nice│聖騎士之戰 2:前奏曲│2008-10-23 08:31:45│巴幣:0│人氣:424
用我菜菜的英文來翻一下= =;
5.5 Presentation
The cluttered game screen and menus are not welcoming. But the game does offer plenty of links to the Guilty Gear mythos for hardcore fans.
5.5 Graphics
The beauty of the 2D fighter does not travel well. The models lack character and the backdrops are nothing special.
模型缺乏個性 背景也沒什麼特別的
6.5 Sound
The soundtrack is interesting, but the voice work is flat. The oft-repeated voice samples grow annoying, too.
配樂是有趣的 (...= = 有趣..?...)
後來才搞懂 那些對話是有意義的)
5.0 Gameplay
What's the expression... jack of all trades, master of none? Neither the fighting nor the strategy are terribly effective.
它想表達什麼? 萬能的? 還是一無是處的大師?
不但非格鬥也非策略 可以說這遊戲有點莫名其妙的可怕
(= =....會不會太OVER了點...)
5.5 Lasting Appeal
The online play gives Overture some solid replay, but that really hangs on you liking the action in the first place.
說白一點不就是如果你喜歡這個遊戲的話= =;