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作者:鬱冰℃▃▅▇│2008-08-25 23:31:52│巴幣:0│人氣:399


Dear Luna lovers from Hong Kong,

I'm Hanho Lee the International business manager of EYA and deeply appreciate your love for LUNA.

As I think it is not proper for our company, which is a developer, to respond to customers in foreign licensed area directly, I would like to give you my personal opinion.

I've read your letter several times to understand perfectly what you said and to consider the issue again and again.

If I consider freedom of players and revenue as a whole, your suggestion could be right.

But I would like to ask you to consider one more point, which is trust between companies.

As you may heard from news, HK company and TW company acquired the service right for their respective district and you can guess that we have the duty to protect their right so that they can exert their best effort to service for the players in secured situation. And IP block between countries is not an unusual practice in online game service to protect right of the service company.

I don't think we should discard our kind of promise for more profits as I think trust should be valued higher than profit, isn't it?

Maybe you sent me the petitionary letter because you were personally not satisfied with GameCyber's game service. But I trust they will try their best to understand and fulfill players' valuable request more and more.

Nobody can be perfect, but if we trust and try each other we could make the better result.

We trust GameCyber as our HK partner and will try to give the best technical support for them so that they can provide HK players with satisfactory game service. If HK players who love Luna like you give them kind support and love, it would be great help for them to do energetic game service.

I hope all of us to be happy with Luna.

Best Regards,

我真的感謝HanHo Lee(韓eya公司的人)的回應,要保護香港廠商權利是應該的,但是真的要用到這樣,完全封殺香港玩家嗎?

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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