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鍵入標題:"Petitionary letter of online game player: Not to block the Hong Kong IP from connecting Taiwan"
This is a petitionary letter. It is hoped that your company can use a few minutes reading it.
Dear Eya Interactive Limited the Company manager
I am an online-game player who is enthusiastic about LUNA online in Hong Kong. LUNA Online is one of your company's products. The purpose of writing this letter is to reflect the problem of the Hong Kong agent (Game Cyber); I hope you can spend a few minutes to read this letter.
From the day of the releasing of LUNA Online at 2007 by South Korea, it has been well received the attention of Hong Kong and Mainland players. Macrowell Technology Co., Ltd(Taiwan agent) and GameCyber Technology Limited(Hong Kong agent) were the future agent of Luna Online in Taiwan and Hong Kong district separately. Recently I have heard the message that GameCyber Technology Limited(Hong Kong agent) request your company prohibiting the connection from Hong Kong IP to Taiwan IP. I was very surprised and felt unaccepted to this action. I think this action will have bad impact to your company, the Hong Kong agent and the Taiwan agent.
The revenue of a game manufactures company is the agent money from local and overseas agents. It usually use share contracts to charge. For example, the agent company sold out each virtual item in items mall, game production company will charge 30% of the profit of agent. While the 70% profit remain to agent company. So the profit of both game production company and agent company is the quantity transacted multiply by the price of the virtual item in a different percentage according to the share contract. Now your company is planning to block the Hong Kong IP from connecting the Taiwan server, it may lead to a reduction of revenue toward your company. The reasons are as follow:
Firstly, your company (game manufactures company) issued the license of LUNA online to the two companies. If your company blocks Hong Kong IP to connect to Taiwan's LUNA Online, the income of the Taiwan agent will decrease certainly due to the decrease of the players. But Hong Kong agent's income will still not expected to increase very much. The reason is that, many players do not enjoy playing under GameCyber's bad operation. The importance of a good operation of the online game is to attract long-term stayed players. Poor operation of the game will deteriorate the lifetime of the game, finally lead to the consequence of stop operating.
GameCyber Technology Limited (Hong Kong agent) have problems in their operated games, those includes:
1. Don't pay attention on the bugs.
2. Don't concern the problem of illegal plug-in in the game
3. Poor response customer service toward players.
Because of the above problems, many players who are enthusiastic with LUNA online think that this Hong Kong agent cannot give a good management on LUNA online. Thus those players will leave LUNA online (Hong Kong agent) because of dissatisfaction with this Hong Kong agent. And they will go to play other game which has better management. Originally, those players will play LUNA online (Taiwan agent) if they can. However, your company request Taiwan agent to block Hong Kong IP. Therefore, there will have a lost of the potential purchasing power of this group of players. On the other hand, if your company does not block Hong Kong IP from connecting LUNA online (Taiwan agent), then Hong Kong and Taiwan players can choose to play the servers in their wnats. Some players even will play both Hong Kong and Taiwan version. Therefore, giving a freedom for the players to choose what they like, higher the profit can earn. Not only your company, Taiwan agent, Hong Kong agent will also gain the profit.
Besides, an important problem will arouse. That is, as the players reprimand for the action of your company, the prestige of both your company and Hong Kong agent will lost. In our mind, the main purpose of playing online game is for meeting new friends. And also, many players would like to play the games because their friends also play on that game. Besides, LUNA online aptitude for making friends-oriented. The present situation is that, the relationship between Hong Kong players and Taiwan players growth greatly as they are in the same server. Blocking the Hong Kong IP connect to Taiwan server which would establish the bad image with the mind of both Hong Kong and Taiwan player who have friends in Taiwan or Hong Kong becuse they could not player with their friends at different districts. Once the negative impression established, it will destroy the effort of good manifestation at the past time. Therefore, it is important to make a sensible decision. As a result, the action of blocking Hong Kong IP will make the players to have a bad impression for your company and Hong Kong agent. And Hong Kong and Taiwan agent cannot get the profit from those players.
Therefore, I suggest imitating the solution for the problem of blocking the Hong Kong IP between MacroWell Technology Co., Ltd. and GameCyber Technology Limited in Nostale Online which only accept the old menbers of MacroWell Technology Co., Ltd. join the LUNA Online of Taiwan agent. Therefore, it can resolve the worried of GameCyber Technology Limited about the crisis of the future players in Hong Kong server will choose Taiwan server. On the other hand, it can meet the expectations of the Hong Kong players who are waiting for playing in Taiwan server for a long time.
I have browsed to your official web page. I found a touching sentence 「Shout EYA!!FEEL IT!THE PLEASURE OF OUR FANTASY WORLD」 in your web site. In addiction, in the company's introduction part, the introduction of 「Customer oriented service」 and 「As live and active developers we are always open to your valuable suggestions」, it demonstrate that your company will pay attention to all your customer. I believe that your company will understand the feelings of a group of players, realize the desire of interchange of the Hong Kong and Taiwan players. Again, we hope you can take back the decision of asking Taiwan agent to block Hong Kong IP or choose to imply the about suggestion. Thus it gives every player to achieve their goal of playing online game – Meeting the local and oversea friends. Besides, your company can be increased gain two advantages by a single move.
Best regards,
From the player who is very enthusiastic about the game
致Eya Interactive Limited Company主管:
本人為一名香港的網絡遊戲玩家,LUNA為貴公司旗下的產品,此信的目的是對LUNA Online代理商問題的反映,希望貴公司能花一點時間閱讀一下。
LUNA Online由2007年韓國推出至今,一直廣受本地以及中國大陸玩家高度注意,至今臺灣的茂為科技有限公司以及香港的天宇科技股份有限公司(GameCyber Technology Limited)分別取得了臺灣及香港的LUNA Online代理權。最近得知貴公司將會要求茂為科技有限公司(臺灣代理)方面禁止香港玩家的ip連接進臺灣版本的LUNA Online,本人感到驚訝及不能接受,而且此措施會對貴公司、臺灣代理甚至香港代理產生壞的影響。
遊戲製作公司的收益是向本地及海外代理商所收取的遊戲代理金,通常是以分成形式收取,例如是每賣一件虛擬道具,遊戲製作公司會收取代理三成的利潤,而其餘的七成則歸遊戲代理商所有,因此購買虛擬道具人數(需求量)乘以虛擬道具價格,再乘以雙方不同的分成百分比,就是遊戲製作公司與代理商各自的收益。如今貴公司計劃要求茂為科技有限公司(臺灣代理)方面禁止香港玩家的ip連接進臺灣版本的LUNA Online會對貴公司會造成收益下降的影響,原因如下:
其一、貴公司(遊戲製作公司)分別向兩家公司發出LUNA Online營運許可權,若禁止港ip連接臺灣方面的LUNA Online,明顯地臺灣地區收益會因為需求量下降而導致收益減少,但香港地區收益的增幅並不會有預期般理想,需求量的上升幅度並不會太大,這是因為很多玩家(包括本人在內)對的遊戲營運並不欣賞。良好的遊戲營運重要性在於它能吸引玩家長期逗留,而惡劣的遊戲營運只會令遊戲哀落,繼而得到停止營運的惡果,天宇科技股份有限公司(香港代理)在其代理遊戲管理上出現的問題包括:其一、放任bug不理會;其二、放任外掛不理;其三、客戶服務的回應差劣。以以種種問題都令對LUNA Online抱有熱誠玩家認為天宇科技股份有限公司不能妥善管理LUNA Online,這明顯地會令這一批玩家因為不滿而離開香港代理的LUNA Online,繼而轉向其他管理更佳的遊戲。本身這些玩家是有會進入臺灣代理的LUNA Online進行遊戲,可惜的是貴公司要求臺方封鎖香港ip,因此會完全地失去這批玩家的潛在購買力,但若貴公司不進行鎖香港玩家ip這個要求的話,那香港與臺灣玩家可以自由選擇於哪個代理進行遊戲,而有部分玩家更會於兩個進行遊戲,因此自由讓玩家選擇才能得到更高的利潤。
另一個更進一步的問題是,玩家們對貴公司行為的遣責會造成貴公司與香港代理聲譽上的損失,因為大家進行線上遊戲很大的目的是因為認識新朋友,而且有更多的玩家是因為別的玩家玩而一起進行遊戲,加上LUNA Online的遊戲性向是結交朋友導向,因此交朋結友在LUNA Online的遊戲系佔有很重的地位。現在的情況是,香港玩家與臺灣玩家的聯繫因著臺港相同伺服器而大有增長,若封鎖來自香港的ip會引至兩地有聯繫玩家的不滿,因著臺服是大型的伺服器,因此臺灣玩家大部分會因著大型伺服器與其大部分本土的玩家於臺服進行進戲,因此某一部擁有臺灣朋友的香港玩家與不能與香港一同進行遊戲的玩家都會對貴公司的行為有負面印象,一旦建立起負面印象,以前所作出的作出的表現會因一次的失誤而遭別人強烈指責,因此作出明智的決定是很重要的。因此總結來說,封鎖香港ip會令貴公司與香港代理聲譽上的受損,而香港及臺灣代理亦未能得到這一批離開玩家的損失。
因此本人有此建議:模仿香港的天宇科技股份有限公司與臺灣的茂為科技有限公司在Nostale Online(臺譯:光之冒險/港譯:夢之冒險)在封鎖香港ip問題的解決辦法,要求臺灣伺服器封測開放後未有申請成為臺灣茂為科技有限公司會員的香港玩家不得進入臺灣伺服器的LUNA Online進行遊戲。如此一方面可以解決香港的天宇科技股份有限公司擔憂未來的香港玩家選擇臺灣伺服器的LUNA Online的機會,另一方面亦能滿足期待進入臺灣伺服器良久的香港玩家。
看到貴公司的官方網站寫著「Shout EYA!!FEEL IT!THE PLEASURE OF OUR FANTASY WORLD」,令本人覺得甚為感動,而且在公司介紹的一中,貴公司的自我介紹「Customer oriented service」與及「As live and active developers we are always open to your valuable suggestions」,這兩句說話顯出貴公司對各玩家的關注,本人亦相信貴公司會瞭解一群玩家們的感受,知道各玩家對與海外玩家(香港及臺灣)交流的渴望,因此再一次請貴公司接納一眾玩家的意見,收回要求臺灣代理封鎖香港玩家ip的決定,讓各玩家達到進行線上遊戲的目的--結交更多本土及外地朋友,而貴公司在盈利上亦能有所上升,一舉兩得。