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FF XIII Shaolong Gui Lv 9 girls

作者:ishtar│2010-06-12 17:54:48│巴幣:0│人氣:353
Kain's Lance (upgrade from Pandoran Spear), Magistral Crest, Collector Catalog, Gaian Ring
Omega Weapon (upgrade from Gladius, or Blazefire Saber), Kaiser Knuuckles, Genji Glove, Gaian Ring
Nirvana (upgrade from Binding Rod or Rod of Thorns), Kaiser Knuuckles, Genji Glove, Gaian Ring
PARADIGMS ( Fang,Lightning,Vanille)
SAB    COM   COM   (Devastation)
SEN    SEN    SEN    (Tortoise)
SYN    SYN    MED   (Recuperation)
SAB    SAB    SAB    (Infiltration)
RAV    RAV    RAV    (Tri-disaster)
SAB    SEN    MED   (Even Odds)
1. Start with Tortoise (SEN SEN SEN) to defend Quake
2. Switch to Recupertation (SYN SYN MEN), manualy add Haste, Bravera, and Faithra to party.
3. Switch to Infiltration (SAB SAB SAB), manualy add to Slow to Shaolong Gui. Lightning & Vanille should be able to add Imperil, Deprotect, and Deshell to Shaolong Gui. Stays for two rounds maximun
4. Switch to Even Odds (SAB SEN MED), Fang should be able infilct Curse & Daze to Shaolong Gui, and Lightning will add Enfire to party.
5. Switch to Devastation (SAB COM COM) to KO Shaolong Gui. Keep inflicts Daze to Shaolong Gui
You should able to defect Shoalong Gui within 2 minutes
a. At step 4, you can stop input any command if you already inflicted Daze to Shaolong Gui.
b. If you Shaolong Gui use Ultima or Bay ability, you may consider switch to Recupertation (SYN SYN MEN). But sometimes it will be cancelled due to Curse and Daze
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