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FF XIII mission 64 - The Doomherald

作者:ishtar│2010-06-03 03:22:31│巴幣:0│人氣:320
Lightning  Omega Weapon (upgrade from Blazefire Saber), Wurtzite Bangle, Imperial Armlet, Chamion's Blet
Fang   Kain's Lance (upgrade from Taming Pole), Wurtzite Bangle, Imperial Armlet, General's Blet
Vanille Nirvana (upgrade from Healer's Staff),Wurtzite Bangle, Imperial Armlet, General's Blet
PARADIGMS ( Lightning, Fang, Vanille)
MED    MED    MED  (Salvation)
SEN    SEN     SEN   (Tortoise)
SYN    SYN     MED   (Recuperation)
SAB    SAB     SAB   (Infiltration)
SAB    COM    MED   (Scounting Party)
COM   COM    MED   (Tireless Charge)
1. Use Aegisol & Fortisol before the battle begins
2. Start with  SAB SAB SAB
3. Use Poison to inflict Vercinegetorix
4. Switch to SAB COM MED, and use Deprotect to inflict Vercinegetorix
5. Switch to COM COM MED
6. Keep HP at 9000 or above and Protect at all time, in case Vercinegetorix uses Wicked Whirl ability
7. Vercinegetorix will use Impenetrable Aura to heal itself, switch to Recuperation (SYN  SYN MED) to heal party & add buffs
8. Keep deplete Vercinegetorix's HP till it below 3.5 million, Enusure Poison him and than summon Odin
9. Switch to COM COM MED until Vercinegetorix defected
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同標籤作品搜尋:|FF XIII|

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