Ooze |
The Unfathomable Darkness, here He is Dark Falz Elder, Who believes everything's ruled by force Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed They will follow their desires The Unfathomable Darkness, here Persona the Masked! Darkness is themselves, darkness is born The insatiable struggle in his mind Keep fighting He wants to be stronger Than anyone in the world To hide all sadness from each other The Unfathomable Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed Barren Blossom has bloomed for outer space The Unfathomable Darkness, here |
The Unfathomable Darkness, here This is the Profound Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed They will follow their desires The Unfathomable Darkness, here He is Dark Falz Luther, Wisdom is truth! Persona the Masked! Darkness is themselves, darkness is born Welcome to the journey of the victims He has become a mad scientist He wants to be The Man Who Would Know All Researching the whole universe The Unfathomable Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed Barren Blossom has bloomed for outer space The Unfathomable Darkness, here |
The Unfathomable Darkness, here This is the Profound Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed They will follow their desires The Unfathomable Darkness, here This is the Profound Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed They will follow their desires The Unfathomable Darkness, here Persona the Masked! Darkness is themselves, darkness is born Seek! Eternal beauty She has a desire for heroism Keep fighting She wants to be more beautiful Than anyone in the world To hide all sadness from each other The Unfathomable Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed Barren Blossom has bloomed for outer space The Unfathomable Darkness, here |
The Unfathomable Darkness, here This is the Profound Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed They will follow their desires The Unfathomable Darkness, here This is the Profound Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed They will follow their desires The Unfathomable Darkness, here Persona the Masked! Darkness is themselves, darkness is born Welcome to the journey of the victims In the loneliness, he was playing with Fleur They want to make all of the universe nothing Yes, the whole universe The Unfathomable Darkness, here Dark Falz Collective will be absorbed Barren Blossom has bloomed for outer space The Unfathomable Darkness, here |
"IDOLA" The Strange Fruits |
He lost his most beloved lover He's gone crazy 'Wanna be stronger' 'Wanna be greater' His body covered by shells They are Profound Darkness To fall the whole universe, The barren blossom has bloomed Over a thousand years, Making the Dark Falz Collective Oh, his insides are in confusion A barren blossom blooming in the darkness |
Who knows what he really looks like? Transcend time with his wings, fly down He has hidden and ruled ARKS They are Profound Darkness To fall the whole universe, The barren blossom has bloomed Oh, it's just the result of a sacrifice to save one pure girl Their desires have brought confusion A barren blossom blooming in the darkness |
Her name is Dark Falz Apprentice, so beautiful Like a butterfly or a spider, she's bewitching They are Profound Darkness To fall the whole universe, The barren blossom has bloomed All deep wishes will be energy 'Dark Falz Collective' Please give her eternal beauty Their desires have brought confusion Welcome to the unfathomable darkness A barren blossom blooming in the darkness |
Twins killed his most beloved lover Like their toys Their name is Dark Falz Gemini They're male and female twins, Inner world They are Profound Darkness To fall the whole universe, The barren blossom has bloomed All deep wishes will be energy 'Dark Falz Collective' A barren blossom blooming in the darkness |
Ooze | |||
此乃無底深闇 他 乃是黑暗法爾斯【巨軀】 深信以力服人者 眾黑暗法爾斯將被吸收 他們將順從己身慾望 於此無底深闇 面覆【假面】之人啊! 使自身成為黑暗, 使黑暗為自身所成 沒有盡頭的鬥爭充滿了他的心 唯有不斷的戰鬥(鬥爭) 變得更為強大 勝過世上的一切 才能隱藏心中的悲痛 於此無底深闇 眾黑暗法爾斯已被吸收 於太空中綻放的徒花 乃是深遠黑暗 |
此乃無底深闇 【深遠黑暗】,在此 眾黑暗法爾斯將被吸收 他們將順從己身慾望 於此無底深闇 他 乃是黑暗法爾斯【敗者】 唯有知識才是真理! 面覆【假面】之人啊! 使自身成為黑暗, 使黑暗為自身所成 歡迎加入受害者的旅途 他成為了一名瘋狂科學家 他想成為全知之人 解析萬事萬象 於此無底深闇 眾黑暗法爾斯已被吸收 於太空中綻放的徒花 乃是深遠黑暗 |
此乃無底深闇 【深遠黑暗】,在此 眾黑暗法爾斯將被吸收 他們將順從己身慾望 於此無底深闇 【深遠黑暗】,在此 眾黑暗法爾斯將被吸收 他們將順從己身慾望 於此無底深闇 面覆【假面】之人啊! 使自身成為黑暗, 使黑暗為自身所成 看啊! 這就是永恆的美貌 她渴求著屬於自己的英雄譚 唯有不斷的戰鬥(掙扎) 變得更加美麗 勝過世上的一切 才能掩飾所有的孤寂 於此無底深闇 眾黑暗法爾斯已被吸收 於太空中綻放的徒花 乃是深遠黑暗 |
此乃無底深闇 【深遠黑暗】,在此 眾黑暗法爾斯將被吸收 他們將順從己身慾望 於此無底深闇 【深遠黑暗】,在此 眾黑暗法爾斯將被吸收 他們將順從己身慾望 於此無底深闇 面覆【假面】之人啊! 使自身成為黑暗, 使黑暗為自身所成 歡迎加入受害者的旅途 在孤獨中,唯有另一個自己能與他同樂 他們想讓整個宇宙回歸虛無 沒錯,全宇宙所有的一切 於此無底深闇 眾黑暗法爾斯已被吸收 於太空中綻放的徒花 乃是深遠黑暗 |
"IDOLA" The Strange Fruits |
那個男人 失去了他的摯愛 就這樣墮入了瘋狂 「只要變得更強」 「只要變得更大」 層層貝殼已覆蓋那個男人的身軀 他們乃是【深遠黑暗】 使全宇宙(世界)墮入其中 輪迴的徒花已經盛開 跨越 千年的時光, 為此而生的 眾黑暗法爾斯們 啊,他的 內心已 陷入了混亂 歡迎來到無底之闇 於黑暗盛放的一朵徒花之中 |
還有誰知道他原來的樣子呢? 超越時間的羽翼,翩然而降 他隱藏身姿,在暗中支配整個ARKS 他們乃是【深遠黑暗】 使全宇宙(世界)墮入其中 輪迴的徒花已經盛開 啊啊……結果卻是這樣 耗費了無數的犧牲 明明就只是為了去拯救 一位純潔的女孩而已 他們的 慾望 招致了混亂 歡迎來到無底之闇 於黑暗盛放的一朵徒花之中 |
她的名字是黑暗法爾斯【若人】,是如此的美麗 如那優雅的蝴蝶 又如那惡毒的蜘蛛 那女人是如此的妖豔 他們乃是【深遠黑暗】 使全宇宙(世界)墮入其中 輪迴的徒花已經盛開 所有深切的渴望 都將化作 被稱作 「黑暗法爾斯們」的能量 請賜給她永恆的美貌 他們的 慾望 招致了混亂 於黑暗盛放的一朵徒花之中 |
相同面容的兩人就這麼 殺死了愛著他的人 就像他弄壞的那些玩具一樣 他們的名字是黑暗法爾斯【雙子】 是一男一女的雙胞胎,在他們裡面的世界 他們乃是【深遠黑暗】 使全宇宙(世界)墮入其中 輪迴的徒花已經盛開 所有深切的渴望 都將化作 被稱作 「黑暗法爾斯們」的能量 歡迎來到無底之闇 於黑暗盛放的一朵徒花之中 |
同標籤作品搜尋:夢幻之星網路版 2(夢幻之星 Online 2)|PSO2|PSO2NGS|夢幻之星 Online 2:新世紀
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