-----------------------------Washing out cigarettes in the bathroom在廁所中偷偷洗去抽菸染上的煙味Should probably only give my opinion when I'm asked to有好幾次我都想說出我的想法I'm really good attelling the half truth對於隱瞞事實這件事我十分的拿手But usually only when I have to但我真的不願意去這麼做The money doesn't work, the chain doesn't work再多的財富與金項鍊似乎無法滿足我Something broken in my brain, got me praying in the dirt心中總是缺少了什麼 我跪地渴求上天告訴我Got me stranded in my bed, like I'm laying in the hearse宛如擱淺泥鯨癱在床上的我 彷彿成了行屍走肉And the grass is always greener when you play on Astroturf就算謊言是多麼的美好 但虛偽的本質仍然不變(原本The grass is always greener [on the other side] 這句諺語是用來勸告人們努力朝目標前進,就像是那另一頭會是綠油油的大草原,也就是美好的地方的意思。麥可莫將這句話改用,Astroturf是人工草皮,雖然終年不會枯萎也不會乾黃,但卻是虛假的東西,用以隱喻謊言。)Wonder why my generation poppin' pills and poppin' percs為何年輕一代如此受到毒品的吸引 跳入毒海毫不畏懼And got some weed and got some purp如今呼麻這件事彷彿人人讚許(purp=Purple Haze,是另一個用來稱呼大麻的說法)And got some bars and got some syrup再來點Xanax跟幾口感冒糖漿(兩者雖都是藥物,卻都有成癮性)And got someJ ordan's on my feet看我腳上穿著專屬我的6代喬丹(似乎當時是專為麥可莫特製的兩雙喬丹鞋,不過價格不斐)I went and matched them with my shirt我真的很苦惱要拿哪件衣服搭配鞋子穿And I just Instagramed them both立刻拍張照片丟上InstagramTo show you that Igot them first只為了讓你們知道我有夠潮Got a Louis duffel bag, I got my girl a purse都看看誰買了最新最貴的LV包 我還多買一個給我的女友I'm tryna find God through a purchase為找尋真理、滿足自我 我不停地揮灑金錢I'm not tryna go to church但我卻不屑踏入教堂或加入教會Amen, Satan told me not to serve阿門,我心中的惡魔要我別理會神說的話I only think about myself自私的我其實不曾為別人著想過I only think about my work自利的我只看得到我自己的成就I only think about my come-up: capitalism一切就只是為了自己 這就是資本主義Look at where we come from不 想清楚我曾經歷了什麼We are what we run from如今我又成了我最不想成為、當初不停逃避的那個樣子We are why we smoke some就像當年沉浸煙海中的孩子一樣(這幾句主要是麥可莫想到過去自己15歲開始便不停的透過吸毒來取得靈感、麻木自己,在戒毒後卻再度碰毒,這些句子就是要表達這種麻木輪迴)So numb, so numb, so numb如此麻木、孤獨、卻又愛莫能助I'ma tell you what you need to know如果你想知道我便告訴你我心中真正的想法I'ma tell you what you need to hear但我奉勸你最好先做好心理準備'Cause the truth would be too much因為這一切真相可能會讓你承受不住Yeah, the truth would be, yeah, the truth would be透過自私所產生的謊言所掩蓋的真相 現在你懂了吧I'ma tell you what you need to know如果你想知道我便告訴你我心中真正的想法I'ma tell you what you need to hear但我奉勸你最好先做好心理準備'Cause the truth would be too much因為這一切真相可能會讓你承受不住Yeah, the truth would be, yeah, the truth would be透過自私所產生的謊言所掩蓋的真相 現在你懂了吧(這邊主要是說,過去自己所謂的善意謊言,其實都是為了自己而自私地說出口的,現在體會到就算真相會使人私心裂肺,或許說出真相反而比虛假的謊言更好)I cry when she smile with her eyes closed明明我剛出生的女兒笑了 我卻不自覺地流下眼淚I'm already afraid of tight clothes只因我想到在她長大後 會受到世界怎樣不停的殘催(這兩句是Chance害怕女兒長大後,會因為自己的外表而產生一些問題,包括常說的被物化或者是在男女關係之中被當成物件對待,當女兒長大,單純的內心也將被殘酷的世界摧殘無存)Want all her best friends to be white folks我希望他能跟白人小孩玩在一起 如此才能保全安危I scratched out this line so many times, I can't forget it那些恐懼不停地停留在我的腦中 日日夜夜成了我的夢魘It's fucked up, I almost say it every time that I edit我本可寫些完全不同的歌詞 但我決定要阻止下一代碰上這一切I swear rapping make it easy to lie我坦白 說唱讓說謊這件事情變得比較容易But secrets don't make it easy to write但那些虛偽的謊言不會讓一切變得更好過I met the Devil in Manhattan, quickly ended discussion遙想當年警告過我的唱片公司 居然還想逼迫我簽下合約I don't need a thing, he warned of repercussions老子才不稀罕你的警告、金錢還是曝光率But I know he come in all forms, that won't be his last visit但我也很清楚 那些貪婪的惡魔不到最後是不會停手的Time is moving fast and I'm running with a pair of scissors時間很快過去了 想到我過去魯莽向前的時光Looking in the mirror like, "Damn, that ain't my dad, is it?"看看鏡子裡的人 我走上與老爸完全不同的道路(這裡大概是說Chance也變得跟父親一樣,成了個有影響力的人,他父親曾在芝加哥市長手下待過deputychief of staff 應該是副參謀長的職位)He handed the torch but he ain't hold my hand in it他曾和我聊過 卻不曾逼迫我做他做過的工作(這幾句真的很難翻出個意思,如果有問題還請包涵)I spent a pretty penny on microphones, mini-midis我花了不少錢在耳機、電子琴上In-ears and CDs, I put the indie in Windy City還要調音設備、CD 我還在風城獨立自己創了幾首歌Indian giver, black father, white liar我是Indian giver 是位黑人父親 也是常說善意謊言的人(Indian Giver是指一個人要求公平的付出與回報,這邊是說Chance製作免費音樂給大家聽,也希望大家能夠回頭來支持他。注意到Chance在這邊巧妙地用了Indian Black White這三個字)Right next to Yeezy like Mike Myers我站在肯爺旁邊 就像當年的Mike Myers一樣Stare at the cuecards, take out the juke parts唱片公司要我照他們說的唱 要我別搞自己的想法Take out the God references, just leave the cool parts要我別在唱上帝的信仰 只要留下所謂酷炫的花樣(這邊大概是說Chance透漏之所以自己不願意與唱片公司簽約的關係,隨著年紀增長,Chance漸漸地喜歡在歌曲中向聽眾訴說上帝對人們的愛,以及自己的信仰與人生的想法)I remember opening for Ben, wasn't no liquor at the show想起當年幫Ben(麥可莫)開場的時候 我連酒都不能碰And now the white girls call me nigga at my show現在我出名了 我卻不喜歡這種名氣帶來的影響I wish I could open twice, sit down at the open mic我好想回到像當年開場時 不那麼有名的時候Go back to the day before I became famous over night再次回到一夜成名的那晚之前I wish I could open twice, sit down at the open mic我好想回到像當年開場時 不那麼有名的時候Go back to the day before I became famous over night再次回到一夜成名的那晚之前I'ma tell you what you need to know如果你想知道我便告訴你我心中真正的想法I'ma tell you what you need to hear但我奉勸你最好先做好心理準備'Cause the truth would be too much因為我的真心話可能會讓你無法接受Yeah, the truth would be, yeah, the truth would be這就是我心中最純粹、最原始的想法 現在你懂了吧I'ma tell you what you need to know如果你想知道我便告訴你我心中真正的想法I'ma tell you what you need to hear但我奉勸你最好先做好心理準備'Cause the truth would be too much因為我的真心話可能會讓你無法接受Yeah, the truth would be, yeah, the truth would be這就是我心中最純粹、最原始的想法 現在你懂了吧I'ma tell you what you need to know如果你想知道我便告訴你我心中真正的想法I'ma tell you what you need to hear但我奉勸你最好先做好心理準備'Cause the truth would be too much因為我的真心話可能會讓你無法接受Yeah, the truth would be, yeah, the truth would be okey這就是我心中最純粹、最原始的想法 現在你懂了吧-----------------------------
同標籤作品搜尋:Macklemore Ryan Lewis|Macklemore|Ryan Lewis|Chance the rapper
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