這首歌是由Undertale原聲帶中的第87號配樂(就真的是87號),混音填詞而成,在原聲帶中這首歌呈現偏向搖滾風格,但在填詞版本中被柔化了,顯得剛柔並濟,原唱的聲音超好聽,歌詞也寫得很好,韻律上無違和,唱起來都很通順,我覺得整首歌最精華的一句就是2:43的Why can you not just let me win?! ,這大概是我聽過最好聽的英文歌了,不管在任何場合聽,或者你要當成遊戲BGM都很適合,如果你也喜歡這首歌記得去給原作者一個支持,或者你也可以自己翻唱看看,這首難度不會太難,又能有點挑戰性,正在練習唱英文歌的也可以試試看。對了,原影片下方有載點,喜歡聽的可以去下載喔
I know that there's no hope
Hiding in this cruel world
Yet you don' t stop trying
How do you keep on smiling?
Standing here in the end
Can't you see I'm your best friend?
Stars blazing, through the sky
It is time to say goodbye
Why do you still hold on
You cannot save anyone
How many resets did it take
To finally reach this happy ending?
In order to keep on playing
There is no choice I'll tear it all away!
Something deep down, resonating
What is this warm sensation deep inside
Patiently looking right through me
Can you see all the feelings that I hide?
This is the price that I have to pay
If I want to keep you around me
I'll force you to reset everything
Bring it all back down to zero!
You're the only one who understands
What it's like to feel this lonely
Internally begging don't resist
Can you see my ture intention?
I know that there's no hope
Hiding in this cruel world
And you won' t stop trying
How do you keep on smiling?
Sitting together in fields of flowers
Sharing smilar dreams of sunlight
Spoken promises laced in red ribbon
Hoping to one day free all of them
Joking around, making silly faces
It was all fun until that day came
Under the surface, how could we have known
That our plan would fall to pieces?
This is the price that I have to pay
If I want to keep you around me
I'll force you to reset everything
Why can you not just let me win?!
You're the only one who understands
What it's like to feel this lonely
Internally begging don't resist
So please stop fighting and just give in
(I just want...)
(I just want...)
(I just want...)
(I just want...)
I just want to hold on to a friend
Even when clouded by darkness,
My soul is gravatating to your light
With the kindness that you gave me
I will give in and end this pointless fight
Standing in a world draped with stardust
Lighting up shandows I created
Even though I messed up everything,
I think there's still one thing I can do
Is it too late to ask everything?
I hope you can someday forgive me
Before everything comes to an end
I just want to say that I'm sorry
I know that there's still hope
Hiding in this cruel world
Seeing you all trying
I'll have to keep on smiling
Knowing that in the end
I had found a great new friend