National security
National security is a concept that a government,along with its parliaments,
should protect the state and its citizens against all kind of "national" crises
through a variety of power projections,such as political power, diplomacy,
economic power,military might,and so on.
The concept developed mostly in the United States after World War II
Initially focusing on military might,it now encompasses a broad range of
facets,all of which impinge on the non-military or economic security of the
nation and the values espoused by the national society.
Accordingly ,in order
to possess national security ,a nation needs to possess economic security,
energy security,environmental security,etc.
Security threats involve not only
conventional foes such as other nation-states but also non-state actors such as
violent non-state actors,narcotic cartels,multinational corporations and non-
governmental organisations;some authorities include natural disasters and
events causing severe environmental damage in this category.