「......Well, let's guess who will be there.」華生放下notebook站起來,轉頭這麼對夏洛克說。
「Actually, I have no-idea.」夏洛克專注在電腦螢幕上,修長的手指敲擊著黑色的小方格。
「Okay, I will get the answer.」華生在第三輪的敲門聲出現之前開了門。
「Wow....what a special color, your hair.」華生愣著。
「Who you are? The man who will take Anderson's place?」夏洛克終於對門口的人感到了點興趣。
「Umm....no, is Anderson really annoying you so much?」門口的人對華生遞出了一張名片:「My name is P, nice to meet you.」
「Oh, that is regretting.」夏洛克顯然對他沒了興趣:「Then, what do you carry for me?」
「Dl.Lestrade introduce me to contact with Sherlock Holmes, the man who has amazing observation.」P微笑:「The true is, we have some baffling case....」