By Alice O'Connor on July 25th, 2014 at 2:00 pm.
Each generationadds its own twist to old fairytales, reflecting the tone and fashions of theera, teasing out undertones as statements. Trine was not an adaptation of an old tale, but playedwith genre conventions to deliver a modern message: lusty wizards and thieveswith grappling hooks are totally wicked cool. But what comes out when that itselfis updated? Prettiness. So much prettiness.
DevelopersFrozenbyte yesterday launched Trine Enchanted Edition, a remake of sorts inthe Trine2 engine,adding online co-op and buckets of shininess. It’d been in public testing for a month.
Alongwith online co-op, the Enchanted Edition brings the sequel’s fancier charactermodels and general make-believe blast of colour. It’s not a from-scratchremake, mostly using the old level geometry. However, layouts are tweaked alittle, camera angles are adjusted, and everything is awash with magical lightand smoke and and rainbows and candles and bloom and bric-a-brac. It looks alot more like the type of fairytale the game tells.
Orif you don’t want any of that, the game’s launcher does offer an option to playplain old Trine.
While the EE isa free update for people who already own Trine, Frozenbyte are treating it as arelaunch. They’ve bumped the game’s price up £3 for newcomers, though a launchsale brings it right back down again. It’s $2.99 (£1.76) DRM-free on the game’s site or £1.99 on Steam. Trine 2 is also on sale on Steam for £2.79. They’are all cheap on GOG too.