

3 GP

Mirror's Edge 全破心得 (很感人的遊戲)

作者:緋│Mirror's Edge 靚影特務│2010-06-20 04:02:43│巴幣:6│人氣:1116

Mirror's Edge

Still Alive Lyrics

You have changed
I have changed
Just like you
Just like you

For how long
For how long
Must I wait
I know there's something wrong

Your concrete heart isn't beating
And you tried to
Make it come alive

No shadows
Just red lights
Now I'm here to rescue you

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

So silent
No violence
But inside my head
So loud and clear

You're screaming
You're screaming
Cover up with a smile I've learned to fear

Just sunshine
And blue sky
That's just how it goes
For living here

Come fire
Come fire
Let it burn and love come racing through

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

Learn to lose
Learn to win
Turn my face against the wind

I will move fast
I will move slow
Take me where I have to go

Oh I'm still alive
I'm still alive
I can't apologise no

Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive.mp3


遊戲全程都是第一人稱視角 即便是擁抱 等細緻動作
所以當玩家在玩的時候會覺得 你就是主角的化身
非常動感 玩著玩著都會不自覺跟著主角的跳躍而有物理上的身體反應

主角為了捍衛(wèi)自己的妹妹 全力以赴 飛天遁地 (完全不誇張)

最後的ED 即是上面 影片跟 LYRIC 全破之後會有更多的感觸

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


同標籤作品搜尋:mirrors edge|||邊緣|靚影|特務|極限|運動

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