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【初音ミク】ミチヅレトラベル英文填詞 版本0.8

作者:藍筆猴魚│時間暫時停止│2012-10-31 19:26:51│巴幣:6│人氣:567
1. 翻譯歌詞和原本歌詞不完全一樣,是希望能讓這首歌能以英文歌唱!
2. 時間軸可能不是正確的,如果有人知道請通知我。
3. 特別感謝版權持有的原製作群 (tac_ and燈下箱、),藍筆猴魚翻譯。

[00:00.0] (Opening, trains’ track sound.)
[00:02.0] Show your ticket,please.
[00:05.0]Ticket is the place where want to go.
              Intended to go for some reason.
[00:08.0]Even the palm…
[00:09.5] has become a respectable ticket.
[00:12.0] Where is the place you want to go
[00:15.0] (Playing the music, switch to picture, classic film effect.)
[00:38.5] Look up the route map to search the destination.
[00:50.5] The flowing landscape has been seen in overall.
[01:00.0] (50 seconds interlude)
[01:50.0] Holding the star in the palm of your own hand
[01:56.5] to pass through the path was not able to pass through before.
[02:02.5] The highest point in this town has been known as
[02:08.5] the destination where lead to the birthplace of the stars.
[02:14.5] The tracks is being tracked by the move of us.
[02:20.5] The tracks we tracked will become the shining shooting star.
[02:26.5] The world is turning upside down and spinning round.
[02:32.5] The mysterious journey of the fellow travelers.
[02:38.5] Making wishes to the shining shooting star.
[02:45.0] Starting the journey of yours.
[02:50.5] Say farewell to the days of repetition.
[02:57.0] Telling the journey begins.
[03:02.0] (48 seconds interlude)
[03:50.5] The stage we stood is being bathed in the light.
[03:56.5] The moment which as you do not at side with me at all.
[04:02.5] Nothing can see but many faces make me dizzy.
[04:08.5] Nothing can do but just looking out from faraway.
[04:14.5] I do not belong to this world in anywhere.
[04:20.5] What the such sad thing like that in the beautiful thing.
[04:26.5] I do not like be seen as “the many other”.
[04:32.5] I do not like to be all alone with no any friends.
[04:38.5] Let’s your hand and my hand hold together
[04:45.0] to create the constellation.
[04:50.5] When there is nothing be seen as a needless thing,
[04:57.0] you will be happy with a smile.
[05:02.5] The destination you reached in finally
[05:09.0] is to the birthplace of the stars.
[05:14.5] Making wishes to the shining shooting star.
[05:21.0] Starting the journey of yours.
[05:26.0] (24 seconds interlude)
[05:50.5] Look up the route map seem like the constellation. (Classic film effect.)
[06:02.5] The whole new day the journey will begin.
[06:16.0] (Switch to blank screen.)
[06:17.5] Therefore, the tears of Orpheus have become the shooting star
                (music & lyric: tac_   Talking: 燈下箱、)
[06:23.5] which reverses the feeling of sadness, and makes wishes come true.
               The shining shooting star.
                (story: tanakanoka)
[06:33.0] Come on.
[06:35.5] This night.
[06:38.5] The dawn will begin.
[06:42.0] ミチヅレトラベル (Fellow traveler)
[06:46.5] (The screen dims.)
[06:49.5] (End of the video.)

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