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Trophy Hockey 球員能力X陣型

作者:JustForFun│2010-08-27 11:29:38│巴幣:0│人氣:531



共通技能: Strength (Str) / Stamina (Sta) / Skating (Ska) /

球員技能: Pace (Pac) / Checking (Che) / Hitting (Hit) / Work Rate (Wor) / Positioning (Pos) / Passing (Pas) / Puck Control (Puc) / Deking (Dek) / Slap Shot (Sla) / Wrist Shot (Wri) / Faceoffs (Fac)

守門員技能: Reflexes (Ref) / Handling (Han) / Recovery (Rec) / Distribution (Dis) / Glove (Glo) / Stick (Sti) / Left Leg (Lef) / Right Leg (Rig)


- Goalie守門員
- Defencemen後衛
- Centers中鋒
- Wingers邊鋒(前鋒)

- 守門員
- 後衛(偏攻擊=後腰、邊衛 / 偏防禦= 中後衛)
- 中場(正中路)
- 前鋒(邊鋒 / 前鋒)

開始之前須要先澄清一件事:ASI 只是球員總體技能的一項指標,並不代表球員能力。







Line 1 | 這組將是比賽中最活躍的一組,他們將在場上最久,應該由你隊上最好的球員組成。這組同時也扮演著「英雄」的角色,他們將負責大部分的攻勢並帶領球隊迎向勝利,因此這組的球員極度需要好的攻擊能力。
(建議上場時間: 22-25 / 均 23)

Line 2 | 這組扮演球隊第二攻擊火力輸出的角色,應當由十分好的球員組成。他們在場上比賽的時間也頗長,而若你的第一小組攻勢受挫時,他們便擔起攻下致勝分的重任。或者你也可以將你的好球員平均分配給一二小組,這樣你便有兩組據有高火力輸出。
(建議上場時間: 18-23/ 均 20)

Line 3 | 這是傳說中的苦力組,在趁勝追擊搶下更多保險分的同時,用強悍的防守控制住局面、壓制對手攻勢。這組球員要求好的防守與不俗的進攻能力。
建議上場時間: 13-16/ 均 15)

Line 4 | 這是你的後援組,用強力的衝撞與強勢的壓迫鎖住對手的攻勢。他們偶爾會偷個空射門,但他們的主要任務除了防守還是防守,用牢不可摧的防線讓對手在寒冷的冰球場上見識到炙熱的地獄。
(建議上場時間: 8-12/ 均 10)


以下G1代表先發組(第1、2line) G2代表後援組(第3、4line)
Primary 與 Secondary 約略分為 6:4,60% of Primary(最重要技能) 、 40% Secondary(重要技能),但這只是粗略的分法,其他技能(未列入的)的影響仍不可過於忽視。

--邊鋒 (LW & RW)--
邊鋒是主要得分手,他們在邊路運用速度與技巧突破對手防線並給對方一記強力射門。G1的邊鋒負責進攻,因此需要十分強大的攻擊技能;G2的邊鋒負責壓制對手的攻擊,他們需要優秀的Checking (Che)與 Hitting (Hit)。
Primary Skills:
[G1]: Slap Shot (Sla), Wrist Shot (Wri), Puck Control (Puc), Deking (Dek), Skating (Ska), Pace (Pac)
[G2]: Pace (Pac), Skating (Ska), Checking (Che), Hitting (Hit), Work Rate (Wor), Strength (Str)

Secondary Skills:
[G1]: Strength (Str), Stamina (Sta), Positioning (Pos), Passing (Pas)
[G2]: Stamina (Sta), Positioning (Pos), Slap Shot (Sla), Wrist Shot (Wri), Passing (Pas)

--中鋒 (C)--
These are your playmakers and usually the leaders on the team. Centers win face-offs (using their strength and faceoffs skills), helps set up the wingers offensively to score goals and also have  responsibilities in your own end of the ice helping out your defenders break up plays and covering your opponent's players. Group 1 Centers should have high offensive abilities as well as work rate and positioning, while Group 2 Centers should have a stronger focus on checking, hitting and work rate.
中鋒是全隊的靈魂人物,中鋒爭球的勝負決定兩隊的攻守,同時中鋒也肩負傳導助攻與掩護協防的重任。G1 的中鋒需要有好的攻擊技能、Work Rate (Wor)與Positioning (Pos), G2 的中鋒則較偏向Checking (Che)、Hitting (Hit)與Work Rate (Wor)。
Primary Skills:
[G1]: Passing (Pas), Faceoffs (Fac), Slap Shot (Sla), Wrist Shot (Wri), Puck Control (Puc), Skating (Ska), Positioning (Pos)
[G2]: Passing (Pas), Faceoffs (Fac), Skating (Ska), Checking (Che), Hitting (Hit), Work Rate (Wor), Positioning (Pos)

Secondary Skills:
[G1]: Pace (Pac), Strength (Str), Stamina (Sta)
[G2]: Pace (Pac), Strength (Str), Stamina (Sta), Slap Shot (Sla), Wrist Shot (Wri)

--Defencemen (LD & RD)--
「Offense wins games, but Defence wins Championships.」 As the saying goes, it is clear that Defencemen are a big part of a winning team. They use positioning, checking and hitting to break up plays, prevent your opponent』s players from going to the net, set up plays from the back end, and make the first outlet pass out of your own zone. Offensive defencemen also contribute point-wise by either scoring or making an assist, especially on the power play. Defensive defencemen may not be high point scores, but they make up for the limited offense by strong defence. It is good to have one offensive and one defensive defencemen paired up so you can get the best of both options.
正所謂馬上打天下,馬下治天下,靠強大的攻擊取下的領先需要良好的防守來守成。防守球員利用Positioning (Pos)、Checking (Che)、 Hitting (Hit)破壞對手的攻勢,阻止對方球員攻入球門區,並在防守成功後快速將球送往前線打反擊。防守球員不分G1,G2而是分為攻擊取向與防守取向。攻擊取向的後衛攻守兼備,在防守之餘偷空攻門亦或妙傳助攻;防守取向的後衛較少參與攻擊,但銅牆鐵壁般的防守能吃下對手大部分的進攻。建議可以將攻擊向與防守向的後衛兩兩配成一組(一攻一守),球員在比賽中將能有更多的戰術選擇。
Primary Skills:
[Offensive]: Skating (Ska), Positioning (Pos), Strength (Str), Checking (Che), Hitting (Hit), Passing (Pas), Slap Shot (Sla)
[Defensive]: Skating (Ska), Positioning (Pos), Strength (Str), Checking (Che), Hitting (Hit), Passing (Pas)

Secondary Skills:
[Offensive/Defensive]: Stamina (Sta), Work Rate (Wor), Puck Control (Puc)


射門時GK會先使用aim skill(glove, stick, left leg, right leg)  與reflexes撲救。
若撲救成功,handling決定球是否被彈出,aim skill, recovery則決定球被彈出後GK撲救補射門的成功與否。

Primary Skills:
Reflexes (Ref), Glove (Glo), Stick (Sti), Left Leg (Lef), Right Leg (Rig)

Secondary Skills:
Handling (Han), Recovery (Rec), Skating (Ska), Stamina (Sta)

Tertiary Skills:
Distribution (Dis), Strength (Str)

-- Fitness, Morale and Energy --



Energy 表示球員在比賽結束時的實際技能。若一個球員賽後Energy 90,代表他當時技能緊有賽前的90%。比賽開始時所有的球員都是99 energy。


Q: Several players have more than one favorite position, such as C/RW, LD/RD, etc. My question is about the order the positions are listed. For example, is a RD/LD the same as an LD/RD or is there any difference between the two?
Q:當球員有兩個偏好位置時,例如RD/LD跟LD/RD 兩者是否有所不同
A: There is no proirity inherent in the order of the positions. Eg. a LD/RD is just as good at playing RD as a RD/LD.

What sort of penalty is imposed for a player playing out of position? What sort of penalty is imposed when playing a defender as a center? Or a defender as a winger?
A: Forwards playing in defender positions and vice versa incur a severe punishment on skills. (Fx a "LD" playing "LW" or a "C" playing "LD".) Forwards or defencemen playing in the "wrong side" (Fx a "C/LW" playing "RW" or a "LD" playing "RD") incurs a minor penalty. So swapping within LD-RD or RW-C-LW is cheap, swapping between the two "chains" is costly.
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