This egg is sitting in a shallow puddle.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It enjoys swimming in a nearby pond.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It enjoys swimming in a nearby pond. Its fins and tail have gotten bigger, and you've moved it to a larger body of water to swim in.
(母) (公)
When water dragons mature, they lose the ability to survive on land, entering the water permanently. They are adept swimmers and eat whatever fish are in the lake they live in. They tend to inhabit the same lake for their entire lives, although a few live in the ocean and swim all over the world.
This egg appears to be covered in scales.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It hatched with fins instead of legs and did not seem to react well in freshwater, so you placed it in the nearby ocean.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It hatched with fins instead of legs and did not seem to react well in freshwater, so you placed it in the nearby ocean. Its dorsal fin has grown larger, and it rarely surfaces anymore. It must be close to maturing.
Deep sea dragons, as their name suggests, spend most of their time in the darkest depths of the sea. They have a bioluminescent dorsal spine that serves to attract prey and communicate with their own kind. As with many deep sea animals, they generally eat whatever they can manage to bait. They rarely leave the ocean floor, surfacing only during breeding season. When they do choose to travel to the shallower depths, they avoid bright lights and will only come up far away from shore.
This egg has colored speckles on it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It is clearly a water animal. 噢...這是一個可愛的龍寶寶。很顯然的是隻海洋生物。
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It is clearly a water animal.
And look! Its fins have grown larger! It must be close to maturing.
(母) (公)
Two-Finned Blunas are a very social breed of dragon, living in packs of dragons called "pods." Blunas are very curious and playful creatures and several dragons in a pod will often "play" with one other, chasing each other around, tossing seaweed back and forth, and riding ocean swells. They are occasionally seen swimming alongside whales and dolphins.
雙翅海龍是一個非常活潑的品種,這種龍有所謂的"生活圈"。 雙翅海龍個性愛玩和好奇所以有時候可以看到牠們和其他的龍在玩再一起,相互追逐著彼此、穿梭海藻、乘風破浪。偶爾可以看到牠們和鯨魚、海豚一起游泳。
This egg reminds you of the sea.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It likes to play in small piles of sand.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It likes to play in small piles of sand. And look!
It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Coastal Waverunners spend most of their time skimming the waves along the coast, snatching up their prey from the shallow waters. They have developed markings along the leading edges of their body that help disguise them as breaking waves. When they are not hunting, they enjoy playing among sand-dunes and shallow tide-pools. These dragons live in small but noisy rookeries. Some stories say Waverunners can fly for days on end without landing.
This egg is slimy and blue.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It's kind of shaky on its feet and enjoys playing in puddles.
(母) (公)
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It's kind of shaky on its feet and enjoys playing in puddles. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Waterhorse dragons received their name due to their horse-like physique and endearing behavior. They are capable of surviving out of water, and when on land their skin secretes a gelatinous goo to retain moisture. However, their large paddle feet are better suited for swimming, and waterhorse dragons tend to move very awkwardly when on land. Waterhorses are very friendly dragons and enjoy playing with humans.
水龍馬是以擁有像馬一樣的體魄以及可愛的行為因此而命名的,牠們可以離開水生活,這時牠們的皮膚會分泌一種凝膠狀黏性物質以保存水分。不過,比起陸地牠們如大槳的腳更適合游泳,水龍馬在陸地上的移動非常的笨拙。 水龍馬是非常友好的龍喜歡與人玩耍。
This egg seems to be floating on a puddle.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has long toes, and likes to wander around on lily pads.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has long toes, and likes to wander around on lily pads.
And look! Its toes have grown longer and developed webbing! It must be close to maturing.
Water walkers are small dragons that are frequently found around bogs and ponds. While they are flightless, they retain the flight sacs and hollow bones of their airborne cousins. These traits, coupled with their extraordinarily long, webbed toes, allow them to stand on top of calm waters, using their small sails to propel them wherever they please. They spend the majority of their lives on the water, retreating to the tops of lily pads when the waters become too rough to float atop.