

3 GP

inaaaaa violet

作者:有│2021-08-05 05:40:02│巴幣:6│人氣:398
a monologue


Hatred stirs up dissension. but love covers all wrongs

As the flowers rest, and the waves reflect the stars above

The waxing moon incites my wanderlust

If i trace its trickles of light

Will i come to you like you asked me to?

a monologue


But he knows the way that i take: when he has tested me. i will come forth as gold

Even with all the handholding and tight embraces

The sky will still turn red, and the leaves will still fall

My fingers reanch in longingly

To get the clock ticking once again

With my wishes frozen in time and long forgotten

Your fleeting smile

is all i know

(fecel, lemienne, phei, seire, lilutia, ei finceq)

a monologue


Come to me. all you who are weary and burdened. and i will give you rest.

As the moonlight dances on the waves, and my eyes reflect the sky above

a pleasant scent tickles my fancy

If i walk in step with the wafting breeze

Will i be able to go back to you when you only had eyes on me?



And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Even if i let you hold my hand and lead me forever

The sky would still well, and the rain would still fall

My silent voice calls out your name longingly

To return luster to my faded paints

With my voice hoarse and long ran dry

Your fleeting words

Are all i know

Do you still remember

What you showed me

A glimpse of happiness, gone forever

a monologue


For we brought nothing into the world. and we can take nothing out of it.

As the flower rests, and the waves reflect the stars above

The waning moon vanishes into the dark

My fingers reach in longingly

To get the clock ticking once again

With the clouds forming a track from me to you, and the wind rustling my hair

Your fleeting smile

Is all i know
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