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水晶板RTA 緩慢翻譯中

作者:冬_宏樹│2018-01-02 11:21:23│巴幣:0│人氣:235
設定系統完後選女角時間為 5:50 pm; 但不要設定到夏令時間,日期用預設日期即可
Hidden potion (bottom left of bottom left near Mr pokemon) as you goup
Berry on the way down
-1 Chikorita
Catch a Sentret if one appears on Route 29 (1 Scratch)
Catch a Poliwag if one appears on route 30/31 (Hit till Crit kills,1R)
All Scratch Youngster
~Kill a second Poliwag if it shows up for 44 Exp (esp if not gooddef/speed stats)~
Get potion and grab Bitter Berry [Don't geet Potion if no heal beforeSpearow, or holding Berry gives you more than 4 buffer]
Catch a Bellsprout if one appears here on route 31 (Throw straightaway)
Use potion unless 15+ for 15+ defence, 23+ for 14 defence (make sureBerry is equiped)
All rage gym Potions after each battle (equip bitter berry while usingfirst potion)
Take Center, Get Togepi Egg, and leave (don't double deposit yet)
Grab Przcureberry and repel
Catch a Bellsprout if on appears here on route 32 (One scratch, 1R)
Run far left of wooper dude and then down, say no to slowpoketail
Use Repel at corner below Poke Center to go through Union Cave
Rage Russell FightKoffing guy with Rage (if you didn’t get spotted by Geodude) (Do NOT get thePotion, even with 0)
Buy 6 Potion (#3, D2) 7 Repels (#6, D3) 2 Antidote (#7, D1) [$486 remaining]
Rage rattatas, use potion. (These Rattatas have 19 speed, as does theEkans)
Water gun the rest of the rockets. (Grab super potion)
(Fight Ledyba first, right) Water Gun Spinarak, Scratch Ledyba. Go right, Water gun bugs. Potionbefore Bugsy if anymore than 10 heath off max.
Rage Bugsy. Heal to full health. (Use Potions), equip Przcureberry andTeach TM49 (1L 1D) over Leer (#2)
Water Gun Gastly, Fury Cutter on Bayleef, water gun zubat
Get Oddish if no cut (Rage to weaken, Water Gun level 5)
Repel, repel, Teach HM01 (1L) to Cutter. (Get hidden Super Potion onlast corner before Headbutt if somehow short for Whitney). get TM02, repel
Get Bike, Teach Headbutt (1L 1U) over Scratch (#1) Select the Bike(1L) and then put it on
Go north, Headbutt all spinners Round 1+2 repel(2R), Headbutt + Headbutt Venonat. Talk to Floria, and head back to Gym.
Headbutt Snubbull. Heal before Whitney (equip berry if you still haveit)
Whitney: If you can survive 4 Double Slaps and 3 Rollouts,use Rage(only if extra exp so 20 for Miltank) - If not, use Fury Cutter
Get Squirtbottle, go to Mart.
5F: Sell TM 31 (L1), Buy TM33 (#3, D2) [If no extra money or Potions,also sell Attract and get 2 Super Potions]
3F: Buy 2 X Speed (#1)  2 XSpecial (#2, D1) 1 X Attack (#4, D2)
2F: Buy 6 Escape Ropes (#3, D2) 1 Poke Doll (#7, D4)  (130 remaining)
Take Goldenrod Centre (Double Deposit), go north to get Spearow, All Water Gun first spinner, WG WG HB HB Second spinneron round 3.
Repel, go to Eevee house. Bite spinner.
Headbutt all Eevees (chip Bite vaporeon, Water Gun Umbreon)
Level 23 is required to 3HKO Umbreon with Headbutt (and 2HKO Vaporeon,needs 16 attack at 7), 40 speed ties with Espeon. Only go Jolteon early if 49+
~Fury Cutter can 3hko Umbreon before 23, use if you need Umbreonbefore Espeon to get the speed~
Go shopping: Buy 7 Super Potions (#4, D3), 4 Parlyz Heals (#6, D2), 2Awakenings (#7, D1) (50 remaining)
(Substitute buying Poke Balls (#1) if no Poliwag, leave at least $4.Leave out 1 super to do so, do 2 if you have to take this trip early becauseyou ran out of healing items during eevees.)
Repel, Super Potion, Teach TM33 (1L) over Rage (#3), Surf HM03 (D1)over Water Gun (#4) and Bike (1L) to Burned tower.
Rival 3: X Spec (2R) , Surf (Ice Punch if Curse), Surf, Ice Punch +Ice Punch, Surf.
Trigger Suicune, and Super Potion and Escape Rope. Bike to Gym (leftside)
Ice Punch Gastly's when 25. Surf, IP, IP, IP, IP | Bite + IP | Surf,Surf, Surf
[45 Spd ties 22 Haunter]
Morty: 1 X Spec, 1 X Spd, Ice Punch, Surf, Bite + Bite, Surf
Repel, Bike (2L) to Olivine.
Surf, Headbutt first spinner. Surf + Bite SecondSpinner. Headbutt Pikachu, go to Mart.
Buy 14 Super Repels (46 remaining)
~Take centre only if you run out of Surfs, you need 3 for Magnemites,should only happen if you hit spinners~
Headbutt + Headbutt Noctowl | Surf, Surf (Headbutt at 61+ Attack) |Headbutt + Bite Marill. Grab the Ether, Surf, Surf,Bite + Bite Spinner
Go up and talk to Jasmine. If you after still level 29, drop down thefirst hole, walk around the second and get the Rare Candy here.  
(Equip Bitter Berry) Super Potion, Super Repel, use Rare Candy onCroconaw, switch Super Repel position to the top (#1) and then Escape Rope outof Lighthouse
Select Bike and GET STRENGTH
Bike to water and surf to Cianwood Gym. Pause in front of Kaylee, andteach Strength (1L D2) over Headbutt (#1) Headbutt,Headbutt, Headbutt + Bite Spinner.
Headbutt + Ice Punch | Headbutt + Headbutt | Surf, Headbutt + Headbutt| Headbutt, Headbutt, Headbutt + Headbutt
Super Potion if below 60 (80 if you're really worried ie less than 82attack)
Chuck: X Att (2U), Headbutt, Headbutt + Headbutt
Note: (2 X Att is better at lower than 82 Attack, but you don't have aspare, so just crit)
Get fly and Secretpotion, use Fly (1L) and Fly to Ecruteak (D3)
Use Super Repel when you enter Mt Mortar. Bite,Bite, Headbutt Spinner
Select Bike to Gyarados and use Poke Doll (2R, 1U). Fly to Mahogany(D2)
Headbutt, Headbutt | Bite, Headbutt, Bite. Go around to the Scientist.Surf, Surf, Surf. Flip the switch, and progress around the right. Free heal!!!
Headbutt, Headbutt | Headbutt, Headbutt (talk) | Headbutt (talk) All Bite Spinner
Surf, Surf, Surf (talk to Murkrow) | Surf (Ice Punch), Ice punch, Surf| Surf, Surf, Surf. Walk outta this place! Off to Gym, All bite Spinner
Headbutt (Headbutt) Seel, Headbutt + Headbutt (Headbutt) Dewgong, SurfPiloswine.
Fly to Olivine (D4) Ice Punch, Ice Punch,Bite Spinner. Escape rope out of lighthouse. Surf, Surf, Surf Jasmine.
Fly to Goldenrod (U4)  and Biketo shopping round 2
5F: Get Return
~4F: Can buy 1 Carbos if Speed DV 9-12 to try and outspeed Alakazam~
3F: Buy 11 X Special (#2, D1) 11 X Attack (#4, D2) 1 Guard Spec (#6,D2) 1 X Accuracy (#7, D1)
Ether Surf (#4) Teach TM27 (1L 1U) over Bite (#2), and Bike (1L) toRadio Tower
Headbutt, Headbutt | Surf (Ice Punch) | Headbutt, Headbutt | Return,Return, Return + Return | Surf, Headbutt, Headbutt, Headbutt | Surf, Surf, Surf| Surf (Depends) | Surf, Surf, Surf, Surf (Headbutt), Surf, Surf.
Exit radio tower, but deposit and withdraw Feraligatr in the PC on theway, switch back to slot  1
Headbutt, Headbutt | Surf, Surf, Surf, Ice Punch. Into basement, andfight rival
Rival: Ice Punch (Surf), Surf, X Spec: Ice Punch, Surf, Surf (X Specstraight away if you still have Bitter Berry, and Surf the Golbat)
Headbutt | Return, Return, Return | Return, Return (Return) |Headbutt, Headbutt | Headbutt, Headbutt, Headbutt | Headbutt, Headbutt
Surf, Surf | Surf, Surf | Headbutt, Headbutt. Escape Rope outta here!!
Headbutt, Headbutt | Ice Punch (Return) | Surf (Ice Punch), Ice Punch(Return), Surf | Headbutt, Surf, Surf.
Get Pink Bow and Radio Card (YYNYN) and fly to Mahogany (D2)
(Catch Poliwag here if needed, Ice Punch Poliwhirl or 27+ Poliwag)
Super Repel, ULULDLULDRDR. Super Repel again, (use Carbos) and equipPink Bow
Push top left boulder through, fall down bottom left.
Go around the house on the FUCKING LEFT SIDE get a memory you dipshit
Return, Return, Return | Return + Return | Return, Return + Return |Return, Ice Punch. Super potion below 39
Claire: Ice Punch, Ice Punch, Ice Punch, Return + Return
Super Repel and Teach HM06 (1L D5, you don’t have HM5) and HM07 (D1)to Poliwag. Go to dragons den, Ice Punch, Bike to the corner and use Whirlpool.
AABAB. Exit shrine and Escape rope and fly to New Bark Town (#1)
Bike to corner, off to League. (walk after waterfall)
Free heal!!! Walk up to Joyce's corner and Select the Bike Ice Punch, Headbutt + Headbutt Spinner
Surf | Rival: X Spec: Headbutt, Surf, Ice Punch (Return), Surf, IcePunch, Ice Punch
Buy 11 Full restores (#5, D4)
Will: 1 X Spec: Surf, Ice Punch, Return, Return + Return (Headbutt),Surf.
Koga: 1 X Spec: Surf, Surf, Surf, Return + Return/Surf, Ice Punch
Bruno: 2 X Att: Return, Return, Return, Return, Ice Punch
Karen: 1 X Spec (X Acc if Sand Attacked): Surf + Surf, Ice Punch,Surf, Surf, Surf (Substitute Return on Murkrow/Umbreon if you need Surf PP.)
Lance: Return + Return, Ice Punch, Ice Punch, Return + Ice Punch,Surf, Surf
Note: Ice Punch Dragonite turn 1 on level 53 (Gyarados does 50 withHyper beam, Dragonite does 54 with Outrage, Aerodactyl does 46 wth Hyper Beam,you never outspeed. Lowest healing amount depends on how risky. 59+ if youwanna ohko dragonite, probably normally 82+, remembering you can heal onGyarados if he Hyper Beams turn 1)
Get SS Ticket and Fly to Olivine (D5)
Talk to Sailor (walk straight up), beat other Sailor in 3rd room fromright: Headbutt, Headbutt, Headbutt
Fly to Vermillion, Bike to Saffron then north to Cerulean. Return,Return. Super repel, Headbutt, Headbutt Spinner flyback to Cerulean (U1) activate machine part, then off to Nugget Bridge
Headbutt | Surf, Surf | Return, Return | Headbutt, Headbutt, Headbutt| Return | Headbutt, Headbutt, Headbutt | Surf. Fly back to Saffron (D1) then Erika
Return, Return | Ice Punch | Headbutt, Headbutt, Headbutt.
Erika: Ice Punch, Return, X Att: Return, Return
Fly to Cerulean (U1) and off to Gym. Don't forget Machine part
Misty: 1 X Att: Return, Return, Return, Return
Bike to Power Plant. Super Repel, Headbutt,Headbutt spinner, and fly to Saffron (D2)
Sabrina: (UL LD LD in RUUD out) Headbutt,Headbutt Spinner  Return, Return,Return
Bike to Lavendar and get EXPN card. Surf,Surf, Surf Spinner Fly to vermillion (U2). Surf, Surf
Surge: Headbutt, Surf, Return, Headbutt/Surf, Headbutt/Surf
Bike to wake up Snorlax, Super Repel, cut through Diglett’s cave andgo to Pewter City. Surf Sandslash
Brock: Surf, Surf, Surf, Surf, Surf
Bike down to Viridian (another super repel) get Elixer to the rightand surf to Cinnabar, talk to Blue, another Super Repel and Elixer and go fightBlaine.
Blaine: Surf, Return, Surf. Go off to the right, up to Fuschia, andstraight to the Gym
Janine: Surf, Surf, Surf, Surf, Surf. Fly to Viridian (U2) and up toGym
Blue: 1 X Spec: Ice Punch, Ice Punch, Return/Surf Zam, Return + ReturnGyara, Surf Arcanine, Surf Rhydon.
Note: 132 Speed ties with Zam (X Spd if slower), Gyara Hyper Beam doesmax ~70, Arcys Espeed does max ~34
Fly to Pallet town, see Prof Oak. Super Repel, Fly back to Viridian.Bike to Mt Silver.  
Run up, right 3 step, up, left, up, right, down, right, left 1 step,up, left, up, left, up, up, right, down, up 1 step, right 3 steps up and out.
Red: Guard Spec, X Spd, 2 X Att: Headbutt, Return + Return, Return,Return + Return, Return + Return, Return + Headbutt
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